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Forza Motorsport III



  • Sandbag
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    Sandbag polycounter lvl 19
    haha, I'm not sure if I would have ever expected to see an A-Team Fiat...

    I'm quite pleased that they let me put an LS7 in my Solstice (and then supercharge it!)...talk about a crazy drift-mobile...it is awesome.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Why not just put the ZR-1's LS9? Supercharged from the factory! :D
  • Sandbag
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    Sandbag polycounter lvl 19
    1) Wouldn't offer it to me (is the engine only available if you have the actual car in the game?)
    2) 7.0L > 6.2L :D
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Amusingly enough, thanks to GM, practical math such as 7 is greater than 6.2 no longer is true. ;)

    As far as whether the engine is available, That would be a very amusing lock-out.
  • Sandbag
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    Sandbag polycounter lvl 19
    I haven't bought a Z06 yet (keep holding out to see if they'll give me one for free) so I cant confirm that it isn't available for that; but it's definitely not available to put in the Solstice. I would be sad if that was the case :(

    Call me a traditionalist but I guess I'd rather get the extra displacement and throw the super charger and forged parts on myself (at least virtually...wouldn't that be nice to have the cash to find out in a real world test!)

    What's the deal with suspension upgrades though? Do they hide the effects of them on the normal stats? 99% of them only decrease my car's stats, seemingly based entirely on weight gain.
  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    was just peer pressured into purchasing this game. seems really cool but it's odd that auto brake seems to be on by normal on the "regular" difficulty. I would assume this should only be on when in easy mode.

    anyways. going to be playing around customizing cars tonight.

    and if anyone wants to race just add me on xbox live. Man0mule.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Vassago wrote: »
    Nice shot of Nurb, Flaagan :D

    Thanks! Amusingly enough, it took me five or six approach attempts to hook that corner right (thank god for rewind). The low profile of the ZR-1 combined with its ground-hugging front air splitter kept bouncing me around on entry to that hard banking. :poly142:
  • Talbot
    Here are my panorama's from today! I made the oreo veyron. I downloaded Ken Blocks car.


  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Holy moly. How long til Turn 10 officially supports this with some web app! XD
  • Master_v12
    Wow those are awesome!

    ***SPOILER ALERT******

    lol a spoiler for a racing game? kinda...

    @Cojax, You get a free veyron when you get to level 30. So spend your moneys!!!

    @sandbag, im at level 35 and no Z06. But they did give me the FXX Ferrari lol so just buy your Z06


    Im played the crap out of this game this weekend, I tried the Manual with Cluth option, and its amazing. Anyone else tried it? I had to switch to controller option 7 and swith the gear up/down bumpers cause the default controller option wasn't working really well. This is a very rewarding and satisfying game, and the rewind feature is a time saver on the tough races where one mistake will cost you the whole race.

    The LS9 option is available on the Camaro SS, the z28 and on the Z06 that I have, It would be crazy to drop it in the solstice lol.

    Keep bringing the panoramas!!!
  • Sandbag
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    Sandbag polycounter lvl 19
    crazy is the whole idea! Even if I'm spinning my tires for 20 seconds I still catch up and pass the opposition in half that time; makes corners awfully interesting too ha ha

    Good to know that they didn't just take the engine out of the game for us poor non special edition folks (and even better to hear that veyron hits free town!).

    Those panoramas are really great, really shows off how awesome and curvaceous some of those tracks are
  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    I have no idea how to tune a car but i'm loving this game. if your looking to get a car cheap check out the auction house. I got a lamborghini Reventon for $150k. That car goes for 2 million in game.

    btw, the styling of the Reventon is amazing. by far my favorite looking car in the game.
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    am I late to the party?
    I just got the game earlier today. Installing disc 2 at the moment.
    Am i going to need a gold account to play online?


    Just completed the first world class event? The first race around Barcelona.
    The game is fun. I like it a lot.
    So far though, I have a few nit picks and for the guys who worked on it maybe you can chime in on these:

    I wish there was some kind of qualifying mode. I see the challenge in working up the grid to win the race. Maybe these aren't in the beginning races to ease the players into the game. Hopefully it can be something I shoot out for in the later races.

    Brake markers! I'm a huge F1 fan. And I love that you guys have Catalunya in the game. It's an awesome track. But I noticed you guys didn't put any brake markers along the circuit. I had to rely on waiting to see when the AI would brake to gauge when I would have to brake. I suppose having the brake lines turned on would help... but I like the game w/o the visual assists.

    The Catalunya track also used to have that loooooong right hand before the long straight as well as the old hairpin. Were there ever any talks of having the "old" version of the circuit available as a track configuration?

    The car interiors look cool from what I've seen so far. I love that shit. Was there ever a discussion about creating an "interior rearward view" also? A bit like in Gran Turismo... where let's say you're in the F430 and you look back... you look backwards into the engine bay instead of the bumper cam.

    Super super nitpick:
    The exterior paint on the cars lack depth, I think. In colors that are a but more dull it looks fantastic, like white (from what I've seen). But when it gets to a darker color that has higher specular, the spec looks too aggressive, and the color itself doesn't feel like it has enough depth. Was there a decision to sacrifice getting that look of depth on the car exteriors to allow the player to customize the color of the car later on?
    Don't get me wrong, I think they look great. But there's something about them in most conditions in the game/presentation that looks off.

    Edit 2:
    Is there a wheel that supports the clutch function?
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    @Master_v12 - haha ya I think I hit level 30 the day after I posted that. So im like ok I'll save for an FXX! lvl 35 they give me one lol. I give up ima just buy upgrades for shit now.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    You know, I gotta say, in some respects I'm kinda missing the vehicles unlocking. I really have a hard time figuring out what range of vehicles I should get based on what's available to me for races. Also, I've once again overdone it with upgrades, turning the ZR-1 into something pretty much uncontrollable.
  • 00Zero
    wait so you can get an engine from one car and stick it into another? wahuh?
  • Sandbag
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    Sandbag polycounter lvl 19
    I almost threw my controller at the screen when they had me racing against a C6 ZR1 in the Viper/Vette shoot out series.

    I cant have the car because I didn't get the gamestop special edition; but it's on my disc, it's in my game, and I have to see it on the track against me? That's some AAA full on bullshit.

    I did notice though that you can sell those cars at the auction house since I've seen quite a few 997 GT3's there (yet no ZR1's :( ). I'm surprised more people dont just buy the special cars, sell them at proft, repeat.

    00Zero - kind of. Common engine swaps are usually available (for instance the 5.0L cammer engine and 5.4L mod engine are both very popular fordracing swaps for the 4.6L Mustang GT) and as such they have them available in the game. You can also add forced induction (superchargers and turbo chargers) to many cars.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    I always wished they'd have a 2006 WRX wagon in any of these games. I miss the DeathWagon.
  • 00Zero
    they should let you build your own engine using 3d physics and stuff. and cram it into your car. like a giant engine thats powered by peddling midgets. id totally put that into my mustang.

    10 MP car. thats 10 midget power
  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    do the midgets run in little hamster wheels? cause if so you have sold me already.
  • 00Zero
    has anybody tried taking ortographic pics of the cars in photo mode? i was messing around with it today. zoom out really far, get a good side, front, rear angle, and snap some pics. i tried uploading to the website so i could download it later, but the sites been slow. im trying to see if they would be useful for modeling reference.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    They used to do that with Gran Turismo. Made for some decent reference yeah.
  • Sandbag
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    Sandbag polycounter lvl 19
    since the thread has been ressurected; anyone here [still?] work at Turn 10?

    I'd love to see some new paint tools that let you do matte paint and gloss decals...

    cough , cough

    Hell, I'd pay for that feature as DLC. On that note...when we seeing the 2011 5.0L Mustang GT as DLC?

    I need a reason to play the game some more and get a race wheel!
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    00Zero: Yeah, I tried it when I got home, and it's really slow. It actually told me once, that I couldn't upload it.

    Sandbag: Good luck finding a wheel :( I can't find them in stores anymore. I know Amazon still has them, but I'd rather pick it up locally.
  • Sandbag
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    Sandbag polycounter lvl 19
    That's odd, I recall my local Best Buy always having at least two of them on the shelf by the 360 stuff.

    What I'd really like is one of these. Metal and leather, H pattern 6 speed shifter (no accidental reverse!!), clutch pedal...Too bad they're $350 :(
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I haven't been able to find them for the last 3 months :( I was late at getting Forza 3 (came with my XBox replacement). Every since getting the game, I've been trying to find a deal on the wheel (because I don't want to pay $100 either), but I can't even manage to find them in the stores. Best buy, Target, Toys'R'Us, and Walmart... none had it. I thought maybe they were about to release a new version, or they took them off the shelf to help push the Kinect (which I don't want @ $150).
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    I'm the only one left at Turn10, Sandbag. PaK left for a studio in Chicago (bastard!). Though as a contractor, I really don't have much say in things there. If the opportunity comes up, I'll certainly suggest it. Matte paint jobs are sexy shit.
  • cupsster
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    cupsster polycounter lvl 11
    @Joshua Stubbles are wireframes (or overlayed wires) of scenery secret? :) ty would love to gaze at them
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