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splash damage art test

Sup bros


Don't intend to apply to SD, just doing their little test for fun and practice (factice). Winding down on the HP stage currently, might still add something or other to the main pathway. Criticisms welcome

Oh and for those who don't know, here's the ref, only real limit is 20,000 triangles and some other stuff about "at least 3 materials" which I think would be nearly impossible not to have with this scene anyway


  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    cool, looks like a good start
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    Practi-fun? This is looking beyond great.:) I think the decks could use a few more bits of clutter.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Cool stuff, definitely a good start. I like the details like the lights, capstans and rope/lifebelt.

    A few things I might recommend:
    • The round window feels a bit "soft" - I might try to chunkify it a bit, make the shapes a bit stronger and add more volume. Maybe make the glass more spherical too so it sticks out from the wall more.
    • The door, drain-pipe clasps and the jetty bridge are just crying out for some nice chunky rivets / bolts or that sort of detail! You have some around the window already but they're very small, exaggerate that stuff and it will be 10x cooler!
    • I'd recommend taking the cloth over the door into ZBrush or Mudbox if you have them, or just using some old-school Sub-D modelling skills to get some really nice drapery and folds into that - it will contrast nicely with all the "hard" surfaces in the scene.
    • Given the height of the door and window, that box on the wall feels a bit high if it's meant to be accessed by humans at eye level, fairly minor point though.

    BTW the "at least three materials" thing is intended to try and stop people making everything grey concrete, which we've seen more than a few of... it's so boring :)
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    Nice start Kaskad!

    Small suggestion, where there is a raised area closeset to the wall, how about turning that into a guttering type shape? To evacuate the water overflow perhaps?
  • [Deleted User]
    Added cheap plastic chair and beer bottles, made some bolts bigger, detailed the door a bit more, tweaked the window and fuse box


    Going to work on the gangplank more next, and will probably take the cloth into zbrush yeah
  • [Deleted User]
    ^ Also did the gutter thing, forgot

    Some LP assets


  • NyneDown
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    NyneDown polycounter lvl 11
    Looking pretty solid so far :)

    I like the elements you're adding to the scene. It would be pretty kewl to see some other types of props as well to give it a bit more history and sense of what the place actually is used and intended for. Maybe add some harpoon rifles laying on the ground, boating gear on the deck, ropes on the railing, cigarette butts laying around...anything to give it more identity. What you have right now looks great, but right now it just feels more like a "hang out" spot.

    Keep it up man!
  • Mark.N
    Looking great man, can't wait to see how you handle the materials with this one. Keep it up.
  • [Deleted User]
    NyneDown - I don't rule out more clutter props. I'm sure I'll have plenty of tris left over after doing what I've got - it's at ~950 right now, roughly 1/20 the limit! So there will be plenty left for decals and clutter.


    Lot of stuff going wrong with the timing - I got sick over the weekend and I'm graduating soon so there's a bit of a scramble to get ready. Glad I'm not doing this for real or it might look kinda bad :D
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