These are a bit of a pet peeve of mine, but since I see so many that are wrong in my eyes, I'm not actually sure whether I'm wrong or right anymore. Enter you!
From what I can tell from looking at myself in the mirror and from some images on
Wikimedia, there is one big nasolabial fold that runs from the top of the nostril all the way around the mouth and is at the same time also the crease that seperates the area below the lower lip from the chin. A lot of people's topology go way to the bottom of the chin, though, which I think is another fold altogether, as is visible
here. To me,
this and
this by Michel Roger are the best I could find (the latter moreso).
So, firstly, the nasolabial fold. I think it should have
at the very least two loops that go
over the nostril. One to be the actual crease, and a second one to form the bulge outside of it that begins the cheek. Bringing them closer together except in depth would increase the sharpness of the crease to make a smile or a ;( . It also seems to run
above the chin.
Secondly, there's a less visible fold that runs just outside of the nasolabial fold which goes all the way around the chin. I get one if I open my mouth as far as possible and move my head back. Very clear
here. That leaves a very thin strip of skin to flow down to become the chin, but that's how I think it is. The chin doesn't deform much anyway.
What's your opinion on this? A lot of people do these things differently, even veteran Polycounters and
that picture, but I'd like to have a concensus so I can smack people around with a picture
PS - Sorry, Gauss.