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Urban Raider

polycounter lvl 17
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Rota626 polycounter lvl 17
Hi there!

This is my newest game art piece. I wanted to do a girl since forever. My goal was something between Mirrors Edge and of course Tomb Raider.
It's 10512 triangles, and the girl uses 2048 textures, plus 256 and 512 maps for the props, hair, eyes etc....

Hope you like it as much as I enjoyed working on it :)


T pose




Cheers: Rota


  • HAL
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    HAL polycounter lvl 13
    Hey! looking really good so far but the specular values on some areas seem to be to strong especially on the trousers and some of the metal parts.

    Also atm it seems like there isn't that much detail in the spec and the diffuse you might want to work on that, too :D

    looks great ! keep it up
  • Bronco
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    Bronco polycounter lvl 18
    yeah I like it.

    The spec needs abit of work as HAL has pointed out. but im liking it.

    I might be off with this, comment, no doubt a character artist will put me right but my first and instant impression is that the legs are too short and the torso is too long.

    Keep it up!

  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    looks quite cool!
    i realy love the way the materials are done.. cartoonish and with lots of contrast.. (the trousers with the strong spec are very nice imo)

    what i´m not a big fan of is the way the trousers end around the feed .. she would always step on them (esp. when it´s raining ;) )

    2nd part that looks a bit odd to me are the eyes.. they look realy flat (the specular and the missing eye-shadow could be the cause of the problem)

    oh and maybe the wrists are a bit thin.. or maybe a bit flat.. difficult to see
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    I think the toso looks funny because of the pants. I can imagine it would work, but they just seem to dip down to far and throw me off with it.

    Doesn't look like their is a SPC on it. Arms don't reflect that type of light unless she has oil or something on it.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    maybe something closer to this would work for the proportions? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v223/aeson/paintoverforpcount.jpg
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    aesir >> Hmm, I think you just went from freakish looking torso to freakish looking limbs on that paintover. Not crazy about either one.

    Rota626 >> Her actual body proportions may be fine she just needs her pants pulled up and a shorter shirt. Actually her pants look pretty dumb all around. You mention Mirror's Edge and Tomb Raider, both games with very mobile characters, yet the pants are not only almost falling off but she would be tripping all over the place with them around her feet. I don't even know what to say about the crazy leg band thing. She break her leg recently?

    She's also suffering from very uneven distribution of detail. There's a lot of detail in the belt/arm, lots of spec in the pants, and suddenly a totally flat and pristine looking shirt/face. It's looks like two different characters mashed together.

    Overall she is pretty striking, and really close to looking great, just needs more cohesiveness and clothing that makes some sense.
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