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[Portfolio] – Kwakkie, 3D Artist

polycounter lvl 12
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kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
Hey guys, I have been working on a portfolio because I want to return to the game industry. I currently work at a webdesign agency, but found out that doing what you love is more important than making lots of money. :) So I dug around in my messy computer and tried to mix and match my art into a portfolio so I can find a job in the game industry.


Let me know what you think!


  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    the typo design is hard to read between the projects - and btw. is that the Arial font?, if so check this free sans serif collection out:

    I remembered even some low poly stuff from you - very nice work and use of colors.
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks for the comments renderhjs! I fixed it a little by having an enter underneath every section. Might change the font later when I have more time :)
  • sicsided
    Great stuff, although feels a little cluttered at first glance (way to compacted together). I noticed that you put up a pic of your dom war IV general entry, and you said your not too proud of it because it was rushed. That is something you should probably stir away from on your portfolio. If it was something that is incomplete, you could say it was for a contest and turned more into a study as such. Otherwise, you have some great work on there, really love that cube game also.
  • jerry
    Great stuff! Your professional stuff really outshines your personal stuff.

    Thumbs up from a fellow dutchie.:thumbup:
  • StJoris
    Nice work & straightforward presentation :)

    Agree with fonts, maybe play some more with the placement and space you have for things.
    What I'm using for my folio in progress now is this:
    Nice bit of javascript to render custom fonts without too much hassle.

    Best of luck with the job hunt mate!
  • hobodactyl
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    hobodactyl polycounter lvl 18
    What everyone else said :P I love your stuff, btw :D I couldn't get Cube working at home, I'll try it out at work tomorrow. Did they at least credit you? Sounds like you did a lot of work and they just took the credit, but that's cool regardless :P

    Did I mention I love your stuff? :D
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    Well, apparently you're all Arial hata's! Guess i'll HAVE to change it now! Thanks for all your positive replies sofar, please continue, my ego likes the boner it just got ;)

    @sicsided: Thanks! I will try to make it less cluttered, even though I like it right now(kill your darlings eh :P). I'll change that domwar4 text into something less negative, thanks for noticing!

    @jerry: Thanks! Yeah my personal stuff kind of suck due to my crappy computer/wacom, I always try to learn something new when doing personal stuff(sculpting, normal maps, shaders etc), but it makes my work turn out like shit. I really like low-poly modeling, but it feels kind of pointless when I do it in my own time because Im not really learning anything from it. HUP HOLLAND HUP! Waar kom jij vandaan btw? :P

    @StJoris: Cool, I'll check it out! The text-images were just a quick solution(I made the site in one sunday evening), Ill mess around with it when I tried out some different fonts.

    @hobodactyl: Thanks man! Cube should work fine if you have some sort of graphics card in your PC. Be wary though, you will only be able to play for free for the first 15-30 minutes our so, after that the game pauses and you have to SMS to play further. And yeah I did do a lot of work, but they gave me the chance to make my own game, which was kind of a dream come true for me. The only thing I regret is not actually 'owning' the rights of the game, I would have done everything I could to port that game on the iPhone 4 months ago... if only I had the rights. :(
  • hobodactyl
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    hobodactyl polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, it seems like a lot of good and bad :P Are you credited, though?
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    hobodactyl wrote: »
    Yeah, it seems like a lot of good and bad :P Are you credited, though?
    Yeah I got credited as a 2d/3d artist, which kinda sucks... They could AT LEAST have put me under game design/producer. But then again, thats what you get for being an intern, here in the Netherlands interns are 'just' a cheap(free) workforce to do shitty jobs for you, so Im glad they gave the chance to do this. At my first internship I got paid pretty well, but I was just a modelling slave.

    I knew I wouldnt get anything from making that game(cube), but I decided to take the job over a well paid one because now I have confirmation. At my first internship and my other jobs I often thought 'man, if it was up to me I'd do A like B and C like D', this time it WAS up to me and I had the chance to do things the way I wanted, and it worked out even better than I could ever have hoped for. Sure, my methods, ideas and art aren't perfect, but I delivered a damn fine product in 4 months(in which I also had to write over 100s of pages of reports and papers for school). Ugh Im rambling too much here...

    To make a long story short: I learned that I can take on the whole damn world and I will, no money or
  • commander_keen
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    commander_keen polycounter lvl 18
    Super awesome!
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    I finally updated my portfolio:
    - Changed the default verdana font to the 'bit' font on the header images.
    - Changed a lot of the text
    - Added little characters to all the pages, you can find them at the bottom of each page.

    SO check it out and let me know what you think and plz share if you have any cool ideas!!!
  • charger
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    charger polycounter lvl 18
    Nice portfolio!! Love the professional work you did, very stylish. I did some minor stuff on think kids 2 (really minor stuff). Fun to see you that title in your portfolio!

    Are you also up for freelance work??
  • ceebee
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    ceebee polycounter lvl 14
    kwakkie wrote: »
    To make a long story short: I learned that I can take on the whole damn world and I will, no money or
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    great work man, I love your style. Is cube out yet?
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    charger wrote: »
    Nice portfolio!! Love the professional work you did, very stylish. I did some minor stuff on think kids 2 (really minor stuff). Fun to see you that title in your portfolio!

    Are you also up for freelance work??

    @charger: thanks! Haha pretty cool that you worked on part 2, I never even knew they made a sequel :poly136:. I checked out your own portfolio, you should try to get some screens of your pro-work, im curious :) And yeah Im totally up to freelancing, so if you know anyone or a studio that needs a little help let me know ;)

    @ceebee: haha that's the spirit!!! I'll race ya there :)

    @tumerboy: thanks! cube is partially out, the PC version has been available for a while now: http://www.cubethegame.com . The Wii and iPhone version are still in development, can't really tell anything about that I'm affraid but you'll hear something SOON if you follow your gaming news closely :D

    I have another question for you viewers: Is anyone having trouble reading the 'normal' text, a colleague of mine thinks it's to small, but I kind of like the 'gameboy'-feel it has :P
  • StJoris
    nice update! that little pixel- dude is great

    text size is ok, for readability try increasing the linespace just a bit, goes a long way.

    Not so much digging the bit-font though, what you had before was much more pleasing :)
  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    Nice low poly stuff!

    Text size is a bit too small for my liking, I could barely read anything without getting my eyes closer to the monitor.
  • SDimitrius
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    SDimitrius polycounter lvl 14
    Nice work in your portfolio kwakkie!

    two problems I had:
    -the pixel font doesnt read well for me
    -I didnt like that you kept saying bad things about your work or downplaying it. I feel that if you dont like your work then neither will a potential employer. You need to sell your work
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    love it no crits, blinded by lots of cool low poly and stylish colours

    love the pixel font and general style btw
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