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Oldie Offroader

polycounter lvl 12
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JostVice polycounter lvl 12
Hey guys!

I'm doing a 4x4, a bit inspired by Ford F-100 lines... Its for a contest I'm working on, with a 10.000 triangles limit (interior included) and 512px max res textures. Though the engine it's going on doesn't support anything else than a diffuse texture, so no normals/specular...

I'm looking for constructive crits and maybe someone to give me some ideas for the design... I'm having some troubles with the front (grill), I think it doesn't fit with the design of the car



Thanks for vieweing :)


  • renderhjs
    Offline / Send Message
    renderhjs sublime tool
    you have a lot of intersections that are not essentially needed for the shape - in fact I think it makes controlling the flow of clean surfaces even more difficult because you have to line up and adjust flows for multiple loops.

    My suggestion would be to go with subdivision modeling (for that you can remove some loops) on this and if you need the low poly version use retopology tools such as this great script:
    with lops and quads that make sense for real time topology
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    10K triangles with only a 512² diffuse sounds like some really weird specs, any reason why the polycount is so high, comparatively?

    i think you can save a whole load of polys on optimizing the rear a bit, seeing as thats a glorified rectangle.

    the window looks weird with it being so flat and not set back into the metal

    the front doesnt feel like a truck to me, more like a musclecar thats WAY high on its wheels, maybe add some sort of chin underneath it?

    actually, the entire truck looks like its too high on the wheels

    i also see you're using a few really thin loops. not sure what they're for, are you going to keep the entire truck as 1 smoothing group? it seems to me that you could very well get away with making the rear fenders separate objects
  • JostVice
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    JostVice polycounter lvl 12
    Hey, thanks for the answers :)

    @Renderhjs: I wasn't sure about using sub-d modelling, never tried with it and didn't want to start for the contest, but I really need to learn those styles


    Well, I didn't set the limits. The triangle limit changed from 5k to 10k too, so at least at the start it was more equal.

    I do know about the amount of segments on the sides, made that for the vertex specular to look correct... but if I end needing more triangles I think I will have to weld vertexes there.

    You mean the windows should be more curved and with the metal extruded?

    Yeah, clearly, I don't like the front. I don't know what to use so I'm trying different designs. I know the truck is high, I wanted it to look like that because it will be a 4x4 (I though it would be better than a regular pickup, I think it looks pretty)

    And yeah, the exporter will split the object in the different smoothing groups, so i'm kepping it like that for now... I didn't see anything bad in that at all, though it gave a interesting effect to the specular
  • JostVice
    Offline / Send Message
    JostVice polycounter lvl 12
    Replying here after a long time... I didn't have time to post here. the car is finished now, I welt some of those vertex at the back and done the texture. The competition already finished, (judging didn't start yet) but anyway criticize for future projects please. :)

    The triangle count is set at 8768, had to left some spare triangles for the shadowmesh


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