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Medieval Environment UE3

polycounter lvl 18
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buddikaman polycounter lvl 18
I taught a class a few months ago at the local community college on basic use of UE3 and importing objects. As a demonstration i quickly put this room together using some module peices i created last year for a MOD. And yes, the lighting sucks.

I havent touched UE3 or max in over 6 months. Never again will i take a job where all art assets are outsourced. ;p

Credits- The wall Torch and bookshelf where created by John Morton. The barrels where created by Tom Luong.





  • Okt
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    Okt polycounter lvl 19
    Looks pretty cool, definitely a great example of the modular asset usage.

    I feel like the lighting is letting your assets down so much, looks like there is no atmosphere to the room. Maybe try some fog to give it some depth, and of course a proper lighting pass to mach the sources in the room. I bet some dust mote particles would really give the place some life.
  • tanka
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    tanka polycounter lvl 12
    I like what I'm seeing so far (my internet is going sloooow) But the obvious seams on the second image really ruins the atmosphere. Apart from that it's really nice, the seams are really bringing down an awesome environment. :(
  • vj_box
    looks good buddika,the only thing i feel here is the overall lighting in the scene is very evened out.And there is a clear lack of shadows.I donno may be that is what which is not giving the right depth in the scene i guess.
    Nice work otherwise
  • Ben Apuna
    This is looking like a good start, along with getting some more contrast into the lighting/shadows. You might want to re-evaluate your specular and specular power maps, everything seems to read as if it's all made of the same material atm. Getting some real shine and highlights on the axes and any other metal here might help. The gold/yellow designs on central strip of carpet and the wall hangings could possible use some bling as well. Maybe some of that stone work was intended to be smooth and polished while other sections are more rough this should also be shown with the spec maps. Maybe some ash/soot decals and/or smoke particles where the torches are burning. Barrels in a library? Sorry if I'm being sort of incomprehensible, it's been a long day and it's late over here...
  • Quokimbo
    Looks like Oblivion! Nice!
  • jagedgamer
    Is this MOD that you spoke of the Archasis II MOD? Because I know the guy who made those bookshelves and torches. I'm sorry if I'm missreading your post but it sounds like your saying you created ALL the assets in these sceens. The guy who made the bookshelf and torchs website is www.johnathanmorton.com. If I'm wrong in this matter then I'm sorry for saying anything. I just beleive in giving credit where credit is due.
  • Morton
    Your right, jagedgamer some of the models are mine those are mine, thanks for having my back. But don't worry about it; I'm sure it was an honest mistake.

    Buddikaman its cool, just be sure to credit me next time.
  • buddikaman
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    buddikaman polycounter lvl 18
    " i quickly put this room together using some module peices i created last year for a MOD. And yes, the lighting sucks."

    This is not a portfolio peice, its just an environment i threw together mostly showcasing the architecture peices i created. I was not trying to take credit for Morton's work, altough i should have gave him credit for the awesome work he did on the wall torches and bookshelves. Sorry bout that Morton. Ill edit it.

  • Morton
    that's ok man I wasn't mad or anything
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