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[Papekura Designer] Multi texture problem!!

polycounter lvl 14
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sama.van polycounter lvl 14
I know Pior is using it... maybe another UFO arround know about it : http://www.tamasoft.co.jp/pepakura-en/

Anyway, I actually create a body with one texture, but when I import another body part with another texture, all the models and 2D pattern already in my scene get this the texture of the last import...

If I check the "Texture Configuration" option, the program still remember what texture for each model. But no way to get the right texture in the 2D and 3D view.

Then What the fuck? is there someone he could help me to resolve that problem?


Reedit : I forget to say the textures are right in the print preview. But the main problem is in the 3D and 2D viewport.


  • Mark Dygert
    The last time I used it, I had to merg them all into one file, and bake it all into one texture, I'm glad it actually prints ok now, but that is annoying that its not displaying... It did a horrible job of arranging the pieces, it also blurred the textures badly.

    In the end I ended up flattening out the pieces myself in 3dsmax using a flatten script that converted your model into UV like pieces, then I arranged and printed that. Renderhjs's texture tools script has (or he's working on it) a script just like it, probably better.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    I remember that it was bitching with me back then, had to drag a texture directly on the object otherwise it would not export right and to long filenames or path names would result into a fail as well.
    Meanwhille I have heard that pekakura was improved but not radical changed.

    Another trick I have though for you is to print not from pepakura to a printer but print using a virtual printer (a ripper - like acrobats distiller (now known as pdf printer) or ghostscript if you dont havve the money or CS stuff)).
    Once exported as PDF you can actually edit and change the line styles of the fold and cut out marks. If you use Illustrator there is a neat trick that you can use as you can select in illustrator similar elements. So if you select a dashed line and you want to select off of them just use the illusstrator function for selecting similar stroke types or colors.
    For example I always change the fold and cut marks to way more thin lines and sometimes opaque so that the folds and cut marks stand less out in the final crafted model.
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 14

    The problem of the texture in the viewport doesn'e affect the final print... Then I can print this is not a problem.

    Finally the only way to create a multitexture model is to work separatly all the parts in a different file and ones you unfold everthing correctly, just import all in the same file. If you changed the scale on one part, all the part will be automaticaly scaled when imported. But don't forget to create some flaps for connectiong the different body parts!

    And I export my models with Metasequoia, it seem's to be the better way to import it in Papekura with the right UVs + material ,etc...

    I will post some screen on my progression soon :) Do you have some of yours?
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