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LPC vol2 #01 - transformers, robots in disguise!

polycounter lvl 19
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hawken polycounter lvl 19
Greetings ladies and gentlemen.

This months low poly challenge, for those who might accept it, is to make a fully converting Transformer. With the new Transormers film just around the corner, this should provide your portfolio with something topical.

The rules are these:

no more than 500 triangles per entry.
1x 128 texture map, 256 colours. (8-bit)
1x 128 specularity map, 16 colours. (4-bit)
1x 128 alpha map, 16 colours. (4-bit)
1x 32 env map, 16 colours. (4-bit) (for use with the specularity map)

oh, and you should decide if you are autobots, or decpticons.

Although your model doesn't have to be an existing transformer.

Challenge ends june 1st.


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