Is there a max polyop macroscript for the action of subobj level selecting x verts and creating a face in the order the selection array is in?
As in:
Select verts: 1, 2, 3, 4
Create face from v1 > v2 > v3 > v4 > v1
I'm going crazy here with the create face tool. I'd love a script I could bind to my quad.
I converted a bunch of cross-section splines to editable poly objects so I could build a surface out of selected verts. The plan was to only use the ones I wanted (optimization) and delete all the floating ones when I was done. Selecting 3/4 verts at a time and running the script. Instead I was using the create face function clicking 5 times for every quad.
Sadly, it doesn't seem possible (or at least possible in any efficient way) to get the order of selection in Max.
Yeah I gave it a shot before posting, I wasn't able to figure out how to deal with the array I was getting containing vertex numbers, the order never seemed correct. I posted over at CGTalk too, maybe one of those guru's will have an idea.
Within that called function you could then store and capture the selected verts of your object, lets say with a memory of just 5 vertex positions. Each time the vertex selection changes you save just the difference between the former vertex bitarray selection and the current one. If you now push each time the difference of the selections aka the new added vertex selection you get the order of the selected verts.