Hail Polycounters! This site and it's community has been a rescource, so I decided to get out of lurking mode.
I recently turned 20, and I'm heading into my Junior year of college as a Film and animation major. My passion, however, allways rested in game development.
This summer I was fortnate enough to land an internship at Garage Games. Now that school's off, I've got about a month to prepare. So before I go off to Oregon i'm really interested in bolstering whatever skills I have now.
No rest for the weary, crits allways appreciated.
Recent Misc Work:
Tribalwars Conceptart and Textures
This is an awesome mod of Quakewars Enemy territory that I had initially joined as a concept artist for around January of last year. It's essentially a soul successor of Starsiege Tribes. I know the game's art like the back of my hand, so this project was a great way to get started in game art.
I was introduced to texturing and got a head start on developing 3D skillsets.
I knew the moment I saw your reptillian concept that you'd have adonihs on your watch list. Some of your things have a colourised grayscale feel to them and are a bit bland/washed out lacking much in the way of nice saturated colours. That and the use of a little scratchy type brush dont do much for your cool crazy looking concepts. Thats more personal preference though, but I think proms guide says it better than I can, could be worth a bit a revist for some tidbits.
Still, congrats on your internship and some nice ideas to boot!
Cool stuff man, nice to see you posting over here.
Congrats on landing the internship too, Garage Games must have seen something close to their hearts
MoP! How have you been? Thanks dude!
Here's my 3D final. We started in April and had four to five weeks to complete a 10 second animation. My goal was to recreate at least the first panel of the following storyboard which I made prior to April.
Coming into it, I had no experience with rigging and particle effects. Modeling and animation were also still something of a mystery. It ended up taking so long just to get the scene together that I only had a night left to animate. But it got done, and learned a lot from it.
I posted a sketchbook here a while back and pretty much neglected to feed it, so I'm starting a new one and holding myself to updating more often!
I've got about a year and a half of college left before I attempt to journey into the wilds of game development for real.
To kick things off, here's a collection of stuff I've made this year.
2D Concept Art
3D Game Art - This is a skillset I will be focusing on expanding this semester.
Some of this is collaborative internship work, some of it's just me hacking away.
Textures for Garage Games
Textures for Garage Games
I always like a harsh critique so speak up if you've got something to say.
Good stuff, all the 2d looks like actual game concepts already. Can't really critique anything because it's all great, if anything I'd say the interior hallway shots look kinda muddy, could just be the jpeg though. keep it up
There will be some brand spanking new 3D in the thread by the end of the weekend. I hope it turns out well!
In the meantime i'm gonna share some more art.
Two months ago, me and my roomate committed to doing one sketch every day based on topics we pick out of a hat.
We spend anywhere between 30 minutes to two hours on the excercize depending on our work loads for the day. (since he's no longer in school he pretty much wins when he feels like it)
your 2d art is amazing, a little disappointing in the hallway work, its a little boring for me but im sure you were just showing off tiled modeling. Everything else is very creative and really great work.
You're like the second person who's raised that. I dunno what to do!
Well, im not a pro artist, but if you want my opinion - need more sharp edges both in geomerty and texture. Now it looks smoothed and kinda polished, which causes "potato-ness"
Hey everyone, here's an update of random stuff done over the past two years. I'm kinda bummed that I haven't been keeping this thread up, so I'll try to post a thing or two more regularly.
Mind control is a fantastically horrifying mess that the world needs to shed some light on. Good luck to us in the pursuit of a free society when you keep secrets this ugly. 'Merica
This was a character art commission for a client from AnthroCon.
I've been modeling people's furries and illustrating them, but I'd like to break into 3D printing them too.
For this client, I went through a design pass for him since he didn't have a proper reference of his character idea.
After this design pass I went into Zbrush and modeled the guy. Using a human base mesh allowed me to cut production time. I then was able to quickly bust out some thumbnails of the illustration the client commissioned me for.
Here's the 3D model and now i've tested out a 3D print on my Makerbot below.
Congrats on landing the internship too, Garage Games must have seen something close to their hearts
Still, congrats on your internship and some nice ideas to boot!
MoP! How have you been? Thanks dude!
Here's my 3D final. We started in April and had four to five weeks to complete a 10 second animation. My goal was to recreate at least the first panel of the following storyboard which I made prior to April.
Coming into it, I had no experience with rigging and particle effects. Modeling and animation were also still something of a mystery. It ended up taking so long just to get the scene together that I only had a night left to animate. But it got done, and learned a lot from it.
The most rewarding thing was rigging a character.
Will do. I love Adonihs btw
Promotional art for Starsiege Tribes www.playtribes.com
Environment art for a FPS
I posted a sketchbook here a while back and pretty much neglected to feed it, so I'm starting a new one and holding myself to updating more often!
I've got about a year and a half of college left before I attempt to journey into the wilds of game development for real.
To kick things off, here's a collection of stuff I've made this year.
2D Concept Art
3D Game Art - This is a skillset I will be focusing on expanding this semester.
Some of this is collaborative internship work, some of it's just me hacking away.
Textures for Garage Games
Textures for Garage Games
I always like a harsh critique so speak up if you've got something to say.
There will be some brand spanking new 3D in the thread by the end of the weekend. I hope it turns out well!
In the meantime i'm gonna share some more art.
Two months ago, me and my roomate committed to doing one sketch every day based on topics we pick out of a hat.
We spend anywhere between 30 minutes to two hours on the excercize depending on our work loads for the day. (since he's no longer in school he pretty much wins when he feels like it)
When we're done we post them on this site: http://www.dailyduels.com/?page_id=340
Here are some favorite scribbles:
I've got a crappy midterm tomorrow. Shitty grade or not i'll be happy when it's over so I can get back to 3D.
I also really like your ship designs and model. Very well done!
shootandrun: thanks!
textures still in wip mode.
Especially like props and environment (but asteroids looks like potato)
May the great success find you
You're like the second person who's raised that. I dunno what to do!
Some screenshots in the unity engine:
(Image Lost)
Done during my internship at Insomniac Games
I've been modeling people's furries and illustrating them, but I'd like to break into 3D printing them too.
For this client, I went through a design pass for him since he didn't have a proper reference of his character idea.
After this design pass I went into Zbrush and modeled the guy. Using a human base mesh allowed me to cut production time. I then was able to quickly bust out some thumbnails of the illustration the client commissioned me for.
Here's the 3D model and now i've tested out a 3D print on my Makerbot below.