i have this maya file with a highpoly and a lowpoly , all of them i deleted non deforming and regular history, freezed all transforms , but for some reason the file keeps getting bigger and slower and i cant use it to work like this , what do you guys think it could be ?
edit: Make sure to open the options box next to that menu item, and turn on pretty much everything
I haven't had that happen to me, so I don't really know what it might be.
I've had that sort of thing before. Open up hypergraph and check options->display->Hidden Nodes.
There may be one or more older copies of your high poly or something that are just hidden, or disconnected from a proper output/display node that are bulking up the file.
The surest way would be to Export selected meshes only like bugo says.
But probably hidden nodes...
If you can save your file as *.ma file, open it with textpad and do a research with "lightlinker" on something like that...
Sometimes some nodes are duplicated in the *.ma file file, and nobdy know why. The optimize scene size or clean history options cannot do anything and it doesn't apear in the graph editor or else!.
This is manual work in your *.ma file!
For example if there are hidden nodes which have been left around from previous operations for whatever reason (I have seen a few cases of PolyBridgeEdge nodes and more often loads of GroupID nodes lying around unnecessarily), you can easily remove these through script if Optimise Scene Size doesn't get them (again, make sure that all the option boxes are checked for that tool).
You can quite easily write a script to find nodes that have zero connections and are also hidden/intermediate, and delete them. This is infinitely preferable to hacking around in a .ma file...
The only reason I have ever had to manually edit a .ma file was to recover some geometry data after a crash meant that part of the scene got corrupted. I have never had to edit one in order to keep the file size down, that sounds just insane to me...