Hey guys, i've decided that I want to bring back an old (and corny) video game character glorified in 3D for fun and Boogerman was top of the list.
I don't think I want to take this character down the "ultra realistic 10'000'000 poly sculpt" route and instead try and keep it simple but next gen (style of Ratchet & Clank/Team Fortress 2).
Here's the original character (For those that don't know him).
I don't want to simply recreate a 3D version of the above but rather
update him, changing his proportions and adding detail to his costume.
Here are some thumbnails for the kind of proportions i'm looking at, keeping his upper half quite bulky but under emphasizing his leg:
Things that I want to implement for definate:
* Snot dripping from the hands (perhaps covering a hand in snot).
* Giving him a chest logo.
* Maybe modelling a sidekick.
Hopefully I can keep updating this thread before the next Dom War mini.
With this not relying on the standard convention for creating humans, it appears to be more difficult to create proportions that are exaggerated and yet just look "right".
This aint a bad start. I know its WIP so what im about to sy no doubt will be done at somepoint anyway im sure .
*Arms need more muscle definition,too cylindrical right now.
* in the orginal his hips come in alot more and the legs look closer together with his gut hanging over more. I think that big gut is a feature ya just gotta bring across .
looking forward to seeing where this goes.
Heres another update (hopefully I can get one more in tommorow before I go on holiday for a few days). This is still only the base mesh for the sculpt. I want to get everything right before I take it into Mudbox.
Also comparing the art to the model - 2D, the hips are 1/4th the width of his shoulders. 3D, they're about 7/8ths.
The nostrils are much to big compared to the 2D image, and given their width, make the proportion of the nose to the mouth a lot larger than it is in the concept.
My personal opinion - it's better to have the mesh match as closely to the concept in silhouette BEFORE taking it to a sculpting program like mudbox or zbrush.
even tho you are going to do high to low poly with some high frequency details, its still not a complex design and the proportions could benefit from some more concepting. Good luck on the updates, love the idea behind it, poor boogerman seems to have fallen out of favor the last 15 years
Keep in mind that a direct translation will not work too well as this character was designed for simplistic 2d sprites. Rather badly designed as well. So be prepared to change somethings if they dont read to your audience, instead sell the character through general proportions and masses. Good art are both as important as each other so dont go sacrificing good art for accuracy.
(hence the addition of the logo and the removal of the torn clothes).
and thus removing the most recognisable part of the character.... There isnt much on him that is recognisable as it is. He might as well have the name of generic man!
decided on the final sculpt and have built the low poly mesh. Its currently clocking at 4'466 tri's.
I've created the normals and ambient occlusion (I've converted to XNormal, its great ) and started working on the texture.