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Environment: Alleyway Scene

polycounter lvl 11
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Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11

working on this alleyway scene since last thursday. I've got a little bit of brushing up to do on my textures (the street light and garbage cans are the most obvious) and a little bit more modeling to do (the archway in the back of the scene). This is my last day that I'll be working on the scene and was hoping for some crits before I submit it.

tri count for the entire scene: 11896
Textures for the entire scene is around 4096x2048 at this time (estimate)

As of right now there are no normal maps or specular maps on anything.

Thanks for looking guys


and here's a slightly diff. camera angle


  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    is this for us? (cryptic)
  • Pope Adam
    Offline / Send Message
    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    yah, I'm submitting in the morning. haven't been sleeping much lately because of this test :P
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    cool beans . . . can't say anything then :P
  • JostVice
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    JostVice polycounter lvl 12
    I think you should use some glue between floor/wall, you know, some dirt/grass texture, because it looks just too hard.

    I would extrude windows and doors inside the buildings too, other than that, I like the lighting :)
  • snake85027
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    snake85027 polycounter lvl 18
    looks really good
  • Mark.N
    Looking great Adam, good job.

    The biggest thing I see is that texture seam which runs along the building on the left in the foreground (you can see it run right along that edge above the cans/posters). Easy fix.

    Lighting turned out good, can't wait to see how it does with normals/specs on stuff.
  • Filbot
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    Filbot polycounter lvl 12
    Looking great man. Good luck.
  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    Hey thanks for the kind words folks, it's rare for me to get many of those on PC lol

    Mark - Yes nasty seam there! It's because that isn't a tileable texture yet cuz i've been lazy. good eye i totally forgot about that!

    Not sure if I'm going to put any normals or specs on things... maybe just a few select things. MMO's don't always have 3 or 4 different types of maps on every object so I'll just pick and choose a few that I think need some more material differentiation.

    Thanks again for the feedbacks folks. cheers

  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    the ac units look a bit squished in the upper left hand portion, could use some more color variety on the bricks, I know I see a few variations but in this lighting they all start to look like the same building, could throw a few chamfers around some of the doors and angles to break up some of the harsh edges. Along with what every one else has said too.. Also hard to see details with the color palette used, can't really see the gutter for instance (spec or anything on it to make it pop a little?)

    Good luck, any info on the limits on this? how many poly's, how much texture space, etc? Concepts?
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Really nicely done especially considering the time budget. The water looks cool, but in the 2nd render the sign appears to be reflecting too perfectly off its surface. How did you set up the water anyways.
    Let us know how the test goes and good luck!
  • A.Kincade
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    A.Kincade polycounter lvl 9
    Nice dude! I agree with a lot of what has been said. I dig the water and the lighting. Would be dope with the norms and spec in there but I see your point on what you've decided to do. Looks legit for just diffuse man. You should be fine.

    Best of luck good sir. Let me know how it goes.
  • salman_fas
    Good luck man. This looks really good.

    Y don't I get tests anymore:(
  • Dakkon
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    Dakkon polycounter lvl 10
    Cool stuff! A little feedback:

    1) The abrupt change in materials from the brick to the white plaster on the top looks really odd to me. It feels like it should still be brick.. If you want the plaster, maybe show that the building used to be made of plaster, and it's been slowly wearing off.

    2) Normal mapping would really help, but you're doing that later you said :)

    3) Maybe putting a subtle distort on the water pools would help? Right now they're perfectly mirrored. A little distortion would help a lot.

    4) I'd put an emissive texture on your light meshes. They're really dark, but they're still casting a lot of light.
  • Steveo53
    Very cool, I think the water is a bit 'too' reflective but other than that, its very nice!!
  • Ott
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    Ott polycounter lvl 13
    Needs more light actually coming off of that bright ass Neon sign. The geometry behind it doesn't seem to be getting any light at all.

    The ground is hard to read what the surface actually is. Right now it looks like dirt-crete. Where are the potholes, the cracks, the bad paint, the black gummy-gunk.

    Would prefer to see some chamfers on the doorframe, the AC unit, and that box at the top of the light pole.

    Never skimp on your walls and floors. That's the majority of the surfaces a player is going to see.

    Were you given a budget for the triangle count? Or just trying to keep it low based on target?
  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    Hey folks, thanks for the continued feedback. Although I've already submitted the project, I want to continue working on it to keep in my portfolio.

    I wish I would have posted this stuff up a day earlier, I would have been able to make all the recommended changes. I pretty much left the scene as it is, changed the composition a little and tweaked the lighting. I will go back in and add chamfers to all the cubey parts. I agree many of the edges are just too damn hard.

    I put some normal maps on a few things... walls and sewer grates. To be honest I couldn't really tell a vry big difference between them being applied and not applied. Nvidia filter normals was all I had time for before my deadline, but i'll be making some nicer ones in the coming weeks.

    Ott: True, I'll bump up the lighting on the sign for the next set of renders, and probably add a few more alpha cards to the ground to break up the flatness, and possibly add a few small details to the diffuse channel as a whole.

    I wasn't given a tri budget or a texture budget, but I was instructed to simply keep in mind that this should be able to fit into an MMO type game, so I kept things as low poly (which in the end meant slightly boxy) as possible. I know now that a few chamfers here and there wouldn't add that much more to the poly count and probably would have been totally worth it. I'll be making those corrections asap.

    Current try count is 12807 for the entire scene
    current texture size is about 4096 x 2300 for the entire scene. Here are my final renders.


    Cheers and thanks evereyone. Please continue to comment as I update - it's really appreciated!

  • Ott
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    Ott polycounter lvl 13
    One thing you should also keep in mind is how grounded the player is when given "MMO" specs. Can the players fly? Double Jump? Climb walls? Jump at all? Is the player 4 inches tall? If Cryptic is testing you, I can guess it might have super powers involved ;) Did you model / texture the tops of the buildings as well?

    These sorts of things will alter the level of detail you apply to each individual piece, as well as the scene as a whole. You should also determine whether or not the game is being built with a modularity heavy sense of design, and if systems such as decals are in place.

    (This would save you a lot of trouble with UV layout, object creation, alpha mapping, etc.)

    And moving forward, remember that Triangle Count shouldn't always be the biggest concern on a PC skew. Pretend you would be working on a game coming out in 1-3 years, and the expectation of PC performance is constantly escalating. Even WoW is putting tons more triangles and textures in their latest expansion compared to older stuff.

    Make it look good, with a reasonable triangle count. You should also consider how their lighting engine works. If it is vertex lit, your scene wouldn't pass.

    Why do your top renders look sharper than the last renders at the bottom?
  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    all good points. As of right now the tops of the buildings are not mapped yet. And yes, characters could probably very well be able to fly right over these buildings in game. I did consider that, but I figured at the time that it would be in my best interest concerning the time schedule to just go straight ahead and model and texture mostly only what would be seen from the camera. As I continue the scene I'll more than likely put some roofing on these guys.

    I actually don't know exactly why my renders look sharper up top. When I did my final renders this morning I did them at a rather high resolution and then decreased the size of the image after compiling my sheet. Perhaps I forgot to have resampling turned on - eek!

    I still have all of my high rez images. After class tonight I'll try fixing up these shots, although it's too late since I've already submitted.
  • Pope Adam
    Offline / Send Message
    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    actually, filter maps may have been turned on during the render... causing it to blur slightly. I'll have to check my files when I get home. The depth of field could have done this too if my settings got skewed :(
  • OBlastradiusO
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    OBlastradiusO polycounter lvl 11
    Is that on a game engine or app engine?
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    sweet job Adam, the lighting works really well for this scene.
  • Pope Adam
    Offline / Send Message
    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks Will!

    This is just a render out of max. I'll throw it in Unreal in the next couple weeks while I tighten up all the loose ends.
  • breakneck
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    breakneck polycounter lvl 13
    nice job overall bro. I like the shots without the dof close up. To me it give the shot a miniature scale feeling. Tilt shift its called.

    fingers crossed!
  • Diwan
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    Diwan polycounter lvl 13
    This scene is a win, I can totally see it in a mmo game. Good job dude and GL!
  • OBlastradiusO
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    OBlastradiusO polycounter lvl 11
    Pope Adam wrote: »
    Thanks Will!

    This is just a render out of max. I'll throw it in Unreal in the next couple weeks while I tighten up all the loose ends.

    Excellent scene man, and good luck. I also liked the way your textures came out. One question though is 4096 x 2816 a passable size for something like this?
  • Pope Adam
    Offline / Send Message
    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    as far as i know it is. at least i certainly hope so.

    I literally wasn't given any specs to keep within, nothing more than "this should fit in an MMO style". I've never worked on an MMO, and have only played a few. I tried to keep everything down as best I could. Now that I'm done with the scene, I think I may go back in and reevaluate some of my texture sizes and such. All depends on what kind of feedback I get.

    thanks for all the good wishes - fingers cross :P
    Great Job on this Test! The warm lighting on the Red Fox Lounge really pops it out very well.
  • Drachis
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    Drachis polycounter lvl 9
    Hi adam, neat scene the textures look pretty solid and the composition is neat. The glowy sign bugs me so I'm reiterating what ott said in image form;
    which one looks better?
    (go with the right one, please )
    also your texture under the door looks like it is set to additive instead of modulate. In the right foreground the window should probably be casting a little bit of light out on the scene if they are that well lit. Toss in a few bounce lights in under the street lamps to help break up the darker surfaces like the wall between fore and mid-ground buildings, the area between them seems really flat. A couple of alpha planes for steam from the sewers might be a nice touch to add a bit more atmosphere to the scene. I look forward to seeing it wrapped up.
  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    GOT THE JOB! - woot!

    thanks for everything polycount! :P
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Hey Congrats Adam!
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    wicked dude, solid test, congrats!
  • Filbot
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    Filbot polycounter lvl 12
  • carlo_c
    Nice one man, it was a really nice scene.
  • Tumerboy
    Offline / Send Message
    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    Holy shit, Awesome Man! Let me know when you start and we'll get lunch!
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    awesome! congrats Adam!
  • ColinR
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    ColinR polycounter lvl 17
    Mega congrats Adam, I loved how this scene turned out.
  • OBlastradiusO
    Offline / Send Message
    OBlastradiusO polycounter lvl 11
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
  • AnimeAngel
  • VikingJim
    Congrats brother, you earned it.
  • Jet_Pilot
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    Jet_Pilot polycounter lvl 10
    Hey man scene turned out good.. nice lighting. a few things I have to agree with Ott on is the scene ready for people with superpowers. Two is about the presentation. I'm really not digging the dept of field primarily because the focus is far enough away that i really can't see your texture work, and all the texture work i can see is blurred to hell. I know its a little late now but maybe a re-render might be in order if you throw this on your site. Good luck with the job.

    P.S. maybe add some loose trash along the foreground and or middle of the alley. A lot of empty space right in front
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    Congrats Adam! Awesome job man I would have shat myself if you didn't ;)
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Well deserved, congratz Adam
  • Ryan Smith
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    Ryan Smith polycounter lvl 11
    great job adam! congrats!
  • salman_fas
  • Diwan
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    Diwan polycounter lvl 13
    Congrats buddy!
  • Rokkx
  • Mark.N
    Grats man, way to go!
  • A.Kincade
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    A.Kincade polycounter lvl 9
  • Sam Hatami
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    Sam Hatami polycounter lvl 17
    Even I (a silent man) got happy for you, so I have to write and congratulate you on your job, you had this coming man, always solid art. Good job ;)
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