I've got about 20 objects, and they are attached (but not welded). Is it possible to detach them all to separate objects (by one clik or some easy way, not one by one)?
Just select what you want and press detach. I would make detach a hotkey to save you time, and use the select by element (red cube) mode so you select whole islands. If they are not welded it should be as simple as 20 clicks and a press of the hot key each time.
Oh yeah, it works, thanks a lot.
and.. maybe there is some script that allows me to attach all selected objects? I mean.. I select some objects from scene by e.g 'Rectangular selection region' and now.. to attach them, I have to choose 'hide unselected' , then choose attach option and select all objects from the list, and click 'Attach'. That's a bit irritating to do it every time.
And here is a script to attach selected objects to the first Editable Poly
rollout rolTest "Attach Objs"
button btRun "Attach!" width:90 align:#center offset:[0, -2]
function attachNodes aObjs =
if (classOf aObjs[1] != Editable_Poly) then
throw "Wrong input in function: attachNodes()"
local iNumObj = aObjs.count
if (iNumObj > 1) then
for i = iNumObj to 2 by -1 do
polyOp.attach aObjs[1] aObjs[i]
on btRun pressed do
local currSel = selection as Array
if ((classOf currSel[1]) == Editable_Poly) then
attachNodes currSel
) -- End Rollout
createDialog rolTest 96 27 style:#(#style_toolwindow, #style_border, #style_sysmenu)
SyncViewS - is it necessary to showing the button 'Detach' or 'Attach' ? I put the scripts on my menu bar and I think these additional buttons 'Dettach' 'Attach' are unnecessary ?
real quick, when I want to detach, or select a group of faces from an object to detach, it always props the- clone to object- clone to element- dialog box. Is there a way to detach to object, a "quick detach" if you will, with out that stupid thing popping up all the time?
here is a little script to do the trick.
and.. maybe there is some script that allows me to attach all selected objects? I mean.. I select some objects from scene by e.g 'Rectangular selection region' and now.. to attach them, I have to choose 'hide unselected' , then choose attach option and select all objects from the list, and click 'Attach'. That's a bit irritating to do it every time.
SyncViewS - is it necessary to showing the button 'Detach' or 'Attach' ? I put the scripts on my menu bar and I think these additional buttons 'Dettach' 'Attach' are unnecessary
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