Just looking at the UnrealEd version that comes with BiA:HH, and I see a steep parallax expression. I checked some of the parallax materials in the game, and I haven't seen any yet that use it, so does any know how you would hook it up in the editor? Nevermind the textures, they were just quickly created this morning before heading to work.

(the vector 3 input was just a quick color test, BTW)

Info on steep parallax mapping,
I'm assuming it works, and is for steep parallax, which would be cool.
Thanks for your time.

Might have to get that game now just for that hehe
Benny Wilson created the steep parallax for use in Bia. The steep parallax can get very expensive and was used mostly for small things like bullet decals.
1-Create a new Mask node
2-Click on mask node and add a mask texture. Try a simple hole to start from black to white
3-Plug the Steep Parallax into the mask
4-Plug the mask into your bump and color
You should see immediate results in your preview window. Let me know if this works or not. -S