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scanner recomendations and stuff

polycounter lvl 18
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man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
ok..i KNOW this has been posted here before, but i can't find anything with a search.

I'm in the market for a new scanner. something hopefully below $150. mainly going to be using it to scan my sketchbook.

was wondering if anyone has tried out a Cintiq 12WX? I'm considering saving up for one of these. seems like it could double as a secondary monitor too. Would it be worth the price?

I'm also looking for a webhost so i can put up a portfolio site. Anybody have any recommendations?


  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    I got a CanoScan LiDE 20. its fine. try to get one second hand, save some monies.

    If your mostly a modeller, an intous is better. Its more portable and and about as good for sculpting. I just moved overseas and am finding it a pain in the arse to find a place to plug the cintiq in. I would probably only reccomend forking out for a 12wx if you are a 2d artist or do shitloads of texturing.

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