hey, im looking for a video i saw a few months ago. you know the 3d vector sequences in star wars: a new hope where they show a crappy vector 3d visiualization of the death star trench to all the rebel pilots.
there was a video on how they created that in 3d back in the day using a pen to set points in 3d space to create the varous shapes. then theyd turn all these knobs and stuff to manipulate the objects.
i really need this video for a presentation, does anybody know where i can still find it?
And the hardware - wow. Talk about having come a long way in 33 years or so...
haha, i see more similarities than differences really... show this to someone who's not into 3d and then show him/her a video of someone poly modelling, he/she wont see much difference i think.
I suddenly don't hate max as much as I thought I did.
Yeah thats actually pretty surprisingly similar to how things are done now. The main difference being you dont digitize a paper image, you just use ortho planes in your 3d app.
I absolutely love seeing stuff like this, especially old tech. If anyone has any more videos like this, please post
I'd say the 70s and the 2000s were probably the 2 decades with the highest output for 3d tech advances. But someone with more knowledge of the history might say the 1990s instead of the 2000s.
"General Motors and IBM start developing the "DAC-1" system (Design Augmented by Computers). This system was presented in the Computer Detroit conference of 1964, and allowed a user to input a 3D description of an automobile, and then rotate it and view the image from different angles (first industrial CAD system used)"
look at this guy and his cintiq
lots more on this page: http://sophia.javeriana.edu.co/~ochavarr/computer_graphics_history/historia/
What you describe there was my work flow for creating DOOM 2 levels as late as 1995 (which I continued until 2000). I had to use a primitive point to point vector drawing to make a basic outline of an area, and from there align textures, surface heights, and do lighting with only a mental image of what I was working on. To see what I made, I had to wait through a BSP compile and load up the results in game. (oh fuck, I aligned that stairway texture off by a few pixels! Wash / Rinse / repeat).
i miss sectors =(. Was so much fun making maps for duke nukem with seperate rooms being at thesame physical space and create weird portal like levels.
I had a lot of fun making Doom and Duke Levels. It's so different now. I don't just type a command in DOS and have 1 program running, with the image of what I'm working on stuck in my head, and nothing else to distract me. :poly142: