I'm working on beefing up my folio with some professional concept art based characters. I recently talk with
Paul Richards who gave me permission to make some models off of his concepts. This is the first character I will work on, a Quake Marine.
Here is one of the initial concepts.This is a closeup of the more finalized version of the torso.
I initially started this model off of the first concept. The amount of information in the first concept is limited, and I only found the closeup of the torso a couple days ago. As a result, there are some pieces that I had modeled previously that differ between the two and I am kind of back tracking in an attempt to reconcile these. So here are the front and back views of the armor thus far in Sub-D. I've modeled out a template body to keep proportions in tact that is not shown here.
After I complete this model, I am going to produce
this one as well.
Back on topic though, what you have so far looks amazing. Are you planning on making this game quality level? It would be nice to get some "good" model work in Quake 4 to be honest.
I'm still amazed at your hard surface modeling, I suck at it that's why.. anyways this is a really great start, cant wait to see what you do to the characters body. do you plan on taking this all the way to texturing?
odium: thanks a lot man! I hear ya on the style variation from Q2 - Q4. I do plan on making this game quality. I don't have enough game ready material in my portfolio right now, and need to amp up that as well as the quality.
jam-i-am: greetings from the eastern seaboard! thanks for the props on the hard-surface stuff! i do plan on taking this all the way to texturing, although i will probably wait until i finish modeling out the female character as well. that way i consciously keep the texture work consistent between the two.
Valandar: Thanks! I'm glad everyone is liking it thus far. I'm modeling in Maya. I will most likely take some of these pieces into zbrush for some simple cuts, dents, and scraps. When I model out a good base for the body/clothes, I will detail in zbrush, and retopo. I'm g;ad you like the presentation as well.
fast1: I am working on trying to getting into the industry. This isn't for any game or mod or anything, it is more to show that I can create a character from a concept and stick to it.
anyways I would watch the edges of your bevels and not make them too thin.. the idea is that when light hits it, it has a nice plane to hit and not a really thin edge...i hope that made sense..
keep it up man this is gonna be dope!!
Jams totally right about edges there - one really handy thing, to avoid disapointment later on, is to keep in mind a rough texture resolution for each area (so, if your doing a 2k map, the backs what, 512x512 ish)
A good excercise is to make a little grid about the same res and hold it over your model - you can see what details are going to get lost in the normals map. Its better to get a chunkier take that reads well in the game than a 100% copy of the art.
On the subject of readability, some of the details need to be angled a little so they scan up on the low poly capture mesh too - Im looking mainly at the cylinder under the
mid back that looks like a cotton spool- the edges may need to be angled slightly when you capture the normals- but that depends on the resolution of your low at that area.
So you know I am not crapping on here, I do a looooooot of armor modeling, and the biggest tip I can offer is model over a great undersuit mesh- and dont skimp on the undersuit. You actually model much, much faster having the undersuit in place, and you wont face a soul crushing experience of having to tweak twenty frikkin complex peices of geo if you later realise you havent got the proportions quite right.
Also I know the feeling I have like two out-standing projects that I still need to finish. But with work/education and other commitments I have barley any free time.
Very nice armor!
is he shirtless? i know you probably haven't touched that yet but maybe some sort of sleeveless shirt?
this is gonna be dope when completed..keep it up man.
Target_Renegade: I totally see what you mean. I think that I may actually need to beef up the girth of his neck a bit. He's so stocky, especially with all the armor, that with his neck as skinny as it is now makes it look lengthy. See the paintover and let me know if you think I should bring the neck down more.
AVBN5000: Cool man. I'll keep an eye out for those!
jam-i-am: Thanks for the crit and comments! Yeah, he's totally goin' topless to get the hot chicks! I like the idea of a sleeveless shirt a lot! I was debating making him shortsleeved or long sleeved, but with as many straps that are on his arms now, I didn't want to overdo the number of paralell lines with a short sleeved shirt. Plus, I wanted to give this guy some mass to flex and not more wrinkles in a long sleeve shirt that would clash with his pants. Check out the paintover I did of some underarmor suit idea and let me what you think.
I've tried to come up with a final list of all the stuff I need to wrap up on the highpoly before making my lowres and start baking and texturing.
What do you guys think about superficial details on his skin (arms, face)? How far should I take that?
Also, I'm in search of some good gun concepts. EQ showed me some real good ones, but if anyone else knows of any, post 'em here or shoot me a PM.
Ancient-Pig: Thanks man! I'm so in love with your Mega-Man revisited!
Cody: Thanks for the encouragement!
Snefer: Those concepts have always caught my eye too. You need to totally take dw5 by the horns next year man because your general portrait was great stuff!
W1LLDAB3AST: you got it man... those are on the list for tonight.
i think the cloth on his arse is weird tho, and shoes could use some more bits and bobs (you probably got that planned already tho.
good stuff!
so here's the pretty much finished high poly. not too different from the last post, but not all the armor was finished, and this render shows some areas better than the zbrush renders which i'm not a huge fan of. i'm going to work on the low-poly this weekend and get the first bake going... maybe start dinkin' around with a color palette and such.
** Turntable Quicktime Video **
i also made a turntable out of ZB if you are interested (RAR file). the one place i know i have to address is where his calves enter the boot. that area needs to be pulled out more. speaking of ZB, decimation master is so awesome.
It takes alot of balls to actually decide and to go work on a "paul richards concept for quake/doom" concept. I myself pussied out of it many times
now its all upto your textures now..........
**** EDIT: This is on hold due to ComiCon; just can't resist
but this helmet is too small i think.