I think its because of where your image is hosted that its not showing up
you sure thats what you want your dominance thread called?
edit: as for the thumbs: good start, but I think you could be a lot more adventureous. they're all basically a figure with a few bits added on. try let loose, make some abstract shapes and then try turn them into characters, if only to get into the groove
I think 1 has the most interesting silhouette because of the coat, or 6 is quite unusual. you could maybe build on the coat being interesting shapes flowing around her?
I'm sure it's the imagehost - there are a few out there that will let you post directly on another site, and most of us are to lazy to click another link!
I'm with rooster in agreeing that #1 has the stronger silhouette out of the lot. But I feel like you haven't really done anything too interesting with your thumbnails just yet.
Clear your head of what you want to make, as it will only bottleneck your creativity and make all your thumbs look the same. Just get in there and loosely scribble down random shapes until they start looking like something. Spend about 30 seconds to a minute on each thumbnail, then go on to the next one. Don't let any of your previous thumbnails dictate your following ones, because the thumbnailing process is meant for you to explore completely different areas of designing your character.
When you're done, pick a few of the thumbs you like best and start doing a few variations on them, like adding armour, weapons, tweaking the silhouettes a little, that sort of thing.
Pretty soon, you'll see the shape you like best and then start refining from there and ultimately creating your final concept image.
I know it sounds like a lengthy process, but its a very important phase of the character creation pipeline. If you take your time doing it correctly, you'll end up with a much stronger character and one that you'll be happier to work on.
Took the advice and mocked-up the sketch in tonal contrast
Thanks for the input that really helps I took the advice and sense then I have mocked-up a basic neutral sketch for the character.
OK this is a Warlord type female with heavy armor w/ pistol type weapons,still in development but I have and idea, communication device and a sheer glass polymer type cloak.
Name: Princess Olem
Race: Human Albino
Height: 5'6
Weight: 105
Special Skills: Weapons expert genius level intelligence, hand to hand combat, she fightsany and all things!
She is pretty much an overall bad ass.
Looks ani right now but will work on the color and overall realism in the colored version.
Unfortunately I can't see anything about this design that looks female. If you want us to believe she's female, you gotta make her look more like one. Add curve, make her prettier, have her outfit less chunky... just anything :P
if you want her to look female but still use big armor, try contrasting the armor to her actual body. Suggest female characteristics underneath the chunky gear.
ummm...thos specs you gave her, she would fit into the stalker catagory a lot easier than warlord. according to that she is pint sized and possibly anarexic. i dated a 56 girl that was 120 and there wasnt much to her.
the other thing is to display a lot of what you say visually. saying that she is an expert armsmen is great and all but this is a contest about SHOWING something. think of revolver ocelot, you see him and right off the bat you are like "damn, that dude must be able to handle a gun" or if you saw grey fox (clear ninja dude, same game) you know that he will mess you up without any weapons. i would say take another couple passes at this before you settle on anything. just flip through my thread, you can see how the character evolves based on the needs of the final visual.
Well everyone thanks for the comments I took the advice and modified this character class to a Stalker Class. I was thinking of using the old cliche of knives and guns with a little touch of magical manipulation as per the Dominance War rules.
You know, I thought the chunky armour had potential. I don't think its necessary to make it all girly-like just because a girl is wearing it. It's quite a bit more interesting than the new design too.
I will rework the drawing with the heavier armor and see what I get but I have to hurry modeling this because it will take some time getting the textures besides it is a good chance that only by using SSS shaders will bring the character out in the render.
Sorry if you have trouble with my images look them up on my blog @ http://coleprince.blogspot.com/ this shows up dates to my Dominance War updates as well as current and previous work if you have any other problems let me know so I can fix them. Jackblade I know the other image was a little more hard but I have to settle on this stalker type do to time constraints and the overall elegance I know the heavy armor was nicer but the stalker with new armor goes to speak about the futuristic fantasy type due to the fact that armors would have evolved into lighter composites and various other technological metals that make heavy armor obsolete.
Whoa here is the base mesh and anatomical reference used to create the Princess Olem character. Using Anatomy is the best way to get a good base mesh and then build from there. This women is really thin so I am trying to follow her anatomy closely to create a really stealthy character. Sleep with one eye open!lso
I have been go for a while and now I am back to show the model for the poly-count crew for the Dominance W_r. Looks like this might work will be putting this into a sculpt after UV unwrapping. If you like it let me know, if it needs work let me know and if you don't care let me know.
Princess Olem OK this is the Warlord type I will be creating a female with heavy armor pistol type weapons, communication device and a sheer glass type cloak. Specifics
Name: Princess Olem
Race: Human Albino
Height: 5'6
Weight: 105
Special Skills: Weapons expert genius level intelligence, hand to hand combat, she fightsany and all things!
her silhouette is very bubbly and unrefined. you've got all the major shapes as squashed or stretched spheres. some closer/clearer shots will help people nail specifics. give us a side shot, as well.
design-wise, matt nailed it. there's no 'character' to her, and what elements you have there don't make much sense. what are those straps on her shoulders doing? tiny pauldrons - why? random straps on her thighs and shins serve what purpose?
hard to tell, but the modelling looks awfully dense.
what's the idea behind this character? what's her story, and how can you show that in her creation? i think you should give her concept another go and try to push it further.
Thanks for the input it maybe I am just trying to hard not to be to over the top, I haven't seen much in the way of human characters on the site as a whole and perhaps in my haste I may have left out some of the details. The character is a fantasy human character, however I can tell you one thing she is an albino and texturing is the essential thing to make this work if you want some additional images check the blog http://coleprince.blogspot.com/ most of the updates are relative and for most previous input it may work well in translation weight wise she is only 7,165 polys but assuming you are the Guru I asked for I will consider reworking some of the artifacts around her armor which is in futuristic fantasy hopefully not heavy and weighted armor. Additionally it's more about her elegance and easy to look at her beauty probably is her deadliest weapon see what I can do to make this work! thanks for the input.
Dar let me see what I can do to make something a little more different perhaps you are right when it comes down to it it should be something different maybe this character is a little A typical see if this jives. Here is a quick thumbnail of redesign.
I have redone the armor she is wearing a outfit to go to get some R and R it is golden and as most Princess's do she wants to look good doing whatever she is at the moment in style.
Weapons and the smoothed render to check topology. I will try and model the pistol type weapon a sword with sheath and try to keep all that under 10,000 polys also I plan on taking the romance level up on this one by combining a wedding gown with armor to relate to story that is a little to long to add to this thread.
Thanks keep up the good work Team Polycount I am inspired every time I log on to this site love it. Later
Weapons and the smoothed render to check topology. I will try and model the pistol type weapon a sword with sheath and try to keep all that under 10,000 polys also I plan on taking the romance level up on this one by combining a wedding gown with armor to relate to story that is a little to long to add to this thread.
Thanks keep up the good work Team Polycount I am inspired every time I log on to this site love it. Later[The smallest time a person has to spend is the time spent only!]
remove the underscore
I think its because of where your image is hosted that its not showing up
you sure thats what you want your dominance thread called?
edit: as for the thumbs: good start, but I think you could be a lot more adventureous. they're all basically a figure with a few bits added on. try let loose, make some abstract shapes and then try turn them into characters, if only to get into the groove
Clear your head of what you want to make, as it will only bottleneck your creativity and make all your thumbs look the same. Just get in there and loosely scribble down random shapes until they start looking like something. Spend about 30 seconds to a minute on each thumbnail, then go on to the next one. Don't let any of your previous thumbnails dictate your following ones, because the thumbnailing process is meant for you to explore completely different areas of designing your character.
When you're done, pick a few of the thumbs you like best and start doing a few variations on them, like adding armour, weapons, tweaking the silhouettes a little, that sort of thing.
Pretty soon, you'll see the shape you like best and then start refining from there and ultimately creating your final concept image.
I know it sounds like a lengthy process, but its a very important phase of the character creation pipeline. If you take your time doing it correctly, you'll end up with a much stronger character and one that you'll be happier to work on.
Good luck.
Here is the first second and third sheet of thumbs previous thumbs posted underneath.
This is the last of the thumbs I should keep the same thread
Keep it up.
Thanks for the input that really helps I took the advice and sense then I have mocked-up a basic neutral sketch for the character.
OK this is a Warlord type female with heavy armor w/ pistol type weapons,still in development but I have and idea, communication device and a sheer glass polymer type cloak.
Name: Princess Olem
Race: Human Albino
Height: 5'6
Weight: 105
Special Skills: Weapons expert genius level intelligence, hand to hand combat, she fights any and all things!
She is pretty much an overall bad ass.
Looks ani right now but will work on the color and overall realism in the colored version.
I trust you.
Let's get to the modeling then!
Thanks for the input oh by the way like your (cold, Mezz) work!
the other thing is to display a lot of what you say visually. saying that she is an expert armsmen is great and all but this is a contest about SHOWING something. think of revolver ocelot, you see him and right off the bat you are like "damn, that dude must be able to handle a gun" or if you saw grey fox (clear ninja dude, same game) you know that he will mess you up without any weapons. i would say take another couple passes at this before you settle on anything. just flip through my thread, you can see how the character evolves based on the needs of the final visual.
link here
v v
Give me your best thanks later days. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_bedBeFHVoiQ/Sd9mr3dlf0I/AAAAAAAAAS8/Dkw9Iv7zyeg/s1600/full%2Bfigure%2BPrincess_001.jpg
Name: Princess Olem
Race: Human Albino
Height: 5'6
Weight: 105
Special Skills: Weapons expert genius level intelligence, hand to hand combat, she fights any and all things!
her silhouette is very bubbly and unrefined. you've got all the major shapes as squashed or stretched spheres. some closer/clearer shots will help people nail specifics. give us a side shot, as well.
design-wise, matt nailed it. there's no 'character' to her, and what elements you have there don't make much sense. what are those straps on her shoulders doing? tiny pauldrons - why? random straps on her thighs and shins serve what purpose?
hard to tell, but the modelling looks awfully dense.
what's the idea behind this character? what's her story, and how can you show that in her creation? i think you should give her concept another go and try to push it further.
Thanks keep up the good work Team Polycount I am inspired every time I log on to this site love it. Later