I thought this was awesome I had to share.
Its really amazing to see robotics to this degree now. But now with stim cell research ban lifted, im wondering what we will see first in our life times, robotic limbs, or regrowth of lost limbs?
Either way im routing for inspector gadget
The correct phrase is "GO GO GADGET!" :P
Don't fuck with my childhood obsessions... haha.
so he's right
"Go Gadget Go, Go Gadget Go" 37sec in.
But I understand where the confusion comes, he would always say "go go gadget whatever" when he used stuff.
So in order to qualify for a highly expensive robot arm we first have to loose ours in some horrific way? Done and done.
I'm confused though, about half way through he says, "this next guy is going to control it all by thinking."
What were the guys before him controlling it with?!
first you have to make some sort of joystick for this thing that the user gets used to controll the arm
(in the case of the guy with both arms lost he is controlling the arm with footpanels)
and with electrodes in the brain you can measure the pattens that occur when controlling the arm, so after some time (this was also tested with monkeys) you can controll the arm only with thinking of moving the arm
its all a matter of training and pattern recognition
i dont know if the electrical waves in the brain are strong enough that you can measure it on the head, but if you put an imlantat in the head everything should work fine
That is just insane!
whats that? too late?
its called extra cellular matrix
Still wondering what we will see become the more popular choice first, regrowth of limbs or robotic limbs?
Im renting our rusty hacksaws at $10 an hour
Then i want to see that with out the person...