So I've been thinking about this for a while, but the Scott Pilgrim movie is comming out in a year or so and its going to be live action and terrible I'm sure.
I was thinking that maybe I ought to animate a few of my favorite scenes from the books how they ought to be done (assuming the film ruins them).
This is where polycount comes in: I figured that other people might like to help (after DW is over of course). I really dont have any rigid plans yet, and Im really just gauging interest at this point but if anyone thinks this could be fun we ought to do it.
Id opt for a low poly style (like the time 2 die contest) because I think it kind of fits with the aesthetic of the book better than complex models.
I did a scott model a while back, but I'm still learning the 3D ropes, so it isnt really good enough for what I had in mind, though it ought to get the creative juices flowing....

Anyway if you're interested post here, we'll think it out.
That'd be awesome. I'm a huge fan of the books and I'd love to see this brought to life in 3D. I like the low poly, final fantasy cutscene style idea. I don't have much exp in low poly stuff but I'd love to contribute toward this. I'll have a tinker around in max at a later date (hand in this thursday -.-)
...and the film doesn't look THAT bad :P
anyway, im glad youre interested. what was your favorite part so far? and... im ashamed to admit... but i havent read the 5th book yet so dont spolier me.
mine is probably the scene where scott 'learns the power of love +9999" lol.
maybe also the matthew patel battle. or the aftermath of the envy call. ahhhh im such a nerd for these books.