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New to polycoulnt, Hi everyone.


My name is Dylan Anthony, and I'm new to this community.


I made this the other day as a quick sketch, total time spent was about 6 hours. Started with z spheres, sketched a base shape retopologised it, suto final modeling, UVed it and textured.ID5.jpg
I welcome any and all C&C. The goal of most of this is just to hone skills, my focus lately has been Zbrush.

This is my most current distraction. Its a Idea that's been bubbling for some time in my head.


This is a cartoony girl that i have been practicing with.


This is my version of the mind flair. a D&D monster.


Thanks, for taking he time to view this.



  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 18
    Moved this over to the proper location. Welcome to the neighborhood. :)
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    i see no images ;_;
  • osman
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    osman polycounter lvl 18
    Lol nice, reminds me of zoidberg.
  • macgregor_oi
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    Are some of the links showing up now?
    I'm trying another host.
  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 18
    the images took a bit to load for me.
  • Valandar
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    Valandar polycounter lvl 18
    That first critter -it's an Intellect Devourer from AD&D, ain't it? :D
  • A.Kincade
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    A.Kincade polycounter lvl 9
    _Oz wrote: »
    Lol nice, reminds me of zoidberg.

    Ha. I was totally thinking the same thing.

    The brain with legs is pretty sweet.

    Keep up the work.
  • macgregor_oi
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    Valandar wrote: »
    That first critter -it's an Intellect Devourer from AD&D, ain't it? :D

    Yes! lol, i fliped the monster manual and the Intellect Devourer was what it landed on.
  • macgregor_oi
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    I spent some more time with the jet armor in zbrush today.

  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    I think you should spend some more time in traditional modeling apps first (max, maya, Silo, blender, etc) for many of those armor shapes. That said, nice start. Keep practicing!
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    get some anatomy references and help books/threads/... because the head, the arms, the legs almost everything looks very wrong.
    THe first brain animal model looks best execution wise but the rest is not very good.
  • macgregor_oi
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    renderhjs: can you be more specific? what model are you referring to? wrong in what sense?
    The human fella with the armor has seen better days. I pulled the human form out of a old project. I had to adjust him in Modo before he was ready for zbrush again. In the process of moving him back to zbrush i lost a lot of detail. Mainly i was doing it to practice using Zbrush. I didn't spend much time with his body because his purpose was mainly going to be a dressing rack for armor. I modeled him a long time ago. maybe ill just start another human form from scratch, insted of recycling an old project.

    ScoobyDoofus: You really think so? Why is that. I have spent plenty of time in maya and modo tweaking verts ect. I find that it stifles the creative proses because it takes to dame long to get ideas out.
    Personally i have always had problems with armor. I'm never able to come out with anything that I like. Ill sketch on paper for hours and can never come up with anything worth modeling. I have found that in Zbrush you can quickly sketch out ideas in 3d, and things can easly and quickly be changed. They are fubared as far as typology is concerned but the main shape is there and with the retypology tool its easy to fix, and that's what I'm going for at the moment. I know the armor is far from perfect but it a huge step up from no armor, which is where im comming from. lol

    The armor looks a bit odd because I'm going to attach small jet boosters all over so that he will be able to fly. I have only retypologised the chest, the arms and legs are only sketched out on extracted meshes.
    This is my first take on armor from the future or something you'd see in unreal tournament.

    If you have any tutorials that you know of for making armor that would be great!
  • Rai
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    Rai polycounter lvl 15
    It's a little difficult to portray sturdy metal in ZBrush, I think you're trying to accomplish something that you'll ultimately fail at from the process you're taking to do it.
    I'm assuming this is what ScoobyDoofus was saying, spend more time in a regular modeling program to really define the solid shapes, because right now it looks like he's wearing armor made out of shiny mud..

    You should also take the time to plan out what you're doing before you jump in and start creating something so complex in shape.. It looks like you have the idea, but you haven't entirely thought out the details, you have shapes that aren't necessarily going into each other, but tend to end in their own right and then there's a gap from the next shape.. What are they doing, why are they there?

    I mainly see an artistic take on what armor would look like, but can't see much of the value of what the armor is used for and how it works.

    If you're having a difficult time throwing ideas out, try picking up a pencil and sketching something, don't think jumping into a sculpting application is going to help you too much with that.. Although, if you do manage to create some armor ideas in ZBrush, I'd suggest hopping back into a modeling app to really get the shapes done correctly.

    Again, hard surface armor in a sculpting application is incredibly difficult to do.
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