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Starting off models

polycounter lvl 19
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Slipstream polycounter lvl 19
One of my friends pointed out to me the other day that I've gotten into the habit of starting off my models a certain way.

I learned alot from Poopinmymouth's tutorials, but I haven't really taken that and made it my own. I start off with a box subdivided in 3 height, 2 width, and build out the body from there. If I'm feeling adventurous, I might make it a 4 height.

Instead of thinking about what I'm doing, and discovering new processes or more efficient way of doing things, I've let my modeling become a set of formulaic steps. And I don't think that's what was intended.

Anyone else feel the same way about the way they model? Or is that just a natural evolution of us as game artists? And if so do you feel comfortable sharing your own thought process on modeling?


  • EarthQuake
    I think ts only natural to settle into a routine, and its a good thing to have when you're doing a lot of similar work. One of the best ways to break your routine is to model stuff you're not comfortable with, it will force you to rethink the way you do things(because obviously you cant start everything from a box 3x2). So if you're always doing human characters, try some abstract monster creature, try doing some mechanical modeling, a tank, a gun, a building, etc.

    A good exercise would be to just grab something random off google image search and try modeling it, take some time and plan out what you think would be the optimal method to do it before you even start. To break the routine you have to break the thought process, which i image is just "get in there and model the way you're comfortable".
  • Farfarer
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    Farfarer polycounter lvl 17
    It's only natural to model in a set way. It's the path of least resistance and we're very good at finding it and running with it in everything we do.

    I tend to find that even though I start a model in a certain way (bridge of the nose then down around the mouth, build out from there) I constantly find new methods in the app to model faster and more efficiently, which I think is more important than being able to model in loads of different ways. The more methods you have at your disposal to tackle something new is more important than the way you start a model.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I still have trouble beggining a non-organic model...more mental than anything else though. I personally don't start out with a 3X2 box and work from there (even though I know I should, it really is the best practice), rather I model different parts like the head and hands and then do the rest. Slip if you want to maybe mix it up a little bit use ZBrush, do what WQ suggested by doing some kind of abstract creature, and start it with Z-Spheres. Z-Spheres would be a great way to mix it up. Pixologic recently made a load of video tutorials, they can be found free on 3dtotal.com in the free zbrush tutorial section.
  • Slipstream
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    Slipstream polycounter lvl 19
    @EQ: Yep, get in there and model is pretty much how I consider it
    Those sound like really cool things to do; especially since I almost never deviate from modeling characters. hmm.

    @Talon: True, though with me I've been less about finding multiple ways to do something, and more about making everything fit into the workflow I'm used to.

    @Blenderhead: Thanks for the idea! Sounds like something I might wanna do for my domwar entry
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