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Books - searching - advise?

kay, so, as most of you I've had to relly on myself to study 3d, and after searching for a whille, I'm a bit tired of tutorials, wanna try some books for a change, searched a bit, but I'd like to know if you people have advises beforehand on books you found out to be helpfull

anyways, I'm looking for...

Zbrush basics and mid level..., I didn't quite diggest the tutorials I've found about it (I get the use of a few things, tools, brushes but, meh, feels like none of them cover the goods of each of these, I could barely figure how to make the textures for the projection thing)

Something covering 3ds, advanced, (scripting'd be nice, procedural animation...? advanced rigging...?)

Maya Mid level, (I don't really know Maya yet, but if you wanna deal with character, that's the way to go, right?, I'm guessing I'll be able to figure out the begginer side of it through tutorials, and latter use a mid/advanced guide book)

XSI mid lvl too (have a superficial understanding of the program, I like doing riggs on it (altho this far I've only used modtools)), perhappes another about it's scripting...?)

these are some other candidates (they're in most the top results from searches, ):
Zbrush character creation - Spenser Scott (seens popular bt a must have)
Introducing Zbrush (didn't really get so inclined to this one)
Stop Staring - Jason Ozipa (I beleave it's straight Maya oriented)
Body language - BROCKMANN, SUZANNE (I beleave it's straight Maya oriented tho)
Advanced Maya Texturing and Lighting - Lee Lainer


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