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Nintendo DS tech specs

polycounter lvl 18
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tpe polycounter lvl 18
Does anyone know where i can get a run down on the tech specs for a typical scene for a DS game.

I have to do a little mock up and am wondering how many polies and textures for the background and characters would be used to make a typical scene. How many characters would be exected and the texture bit depth etc so as I dont go too far of the mark.

So far it has been a little difficult finding out so if anyone has a rough idea or where to find out it would be a great help.




  • kio
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    kio polycounter lvl 16
    2048 tris backface culled, Screen is at 2x 256x192px, 512kb vram hardware limit. But its more realistic to work with 384kb vram for one screen and 128kb for the other (gui stuff normaly)

    work with indexed 256 colour textures, go lower if possible (16 or 4 colours), you can use soft alpha but only in combination with 32 or 8 colours.

    our characters have around 300 tris, but are shown only at 40-60px height..
  • tpe
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    tpe polycounter lvl 18
    Many thanks kio that is excelent and a really quick reply. I think it is going to be refreshing to work with those kind of limits again. You know nice to see things turning up quicker than usual.

    The next question is going to have to be is Code warrior the only dev tool or should i look at other solutions too, but i think that can wait a little while.

    Thaanks again

  • kio
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    kio polycounter lvl 16
    as far as i know the nds devkits only support codewarrior or the other way around codewarrior is the only suite which supports the devkit - i dont know exactly, but our guys use it also. so yes.
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