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xbox360 controller in maya?

polycounter lvl 11
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Allert polycounter lvl 11
hey guys,

i was wondering if there's a free plugin/script on the net that would allow you to use an xbox360 (or any controller) inside maya? Basically, i made this character with some animation clips, which i want to walk/run with in an environment i made inside maya. I know 3dsmax has something like this ( a sort of fps view), which allows you to walk around with the WASD keys, but i want to take it a step further by using a controller. I know there's a program called craft animation studio (or something like that), but im not really interested in coughing up 800 bucks for something like this. Any suggestions? I use maya 2008.

curious to hear if there's more interest in the community!




  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    I know that max can do that out of the box which lets you assign any analogue or digital axis/button to a expression in the motion panel.
    Maybe there are some scripts for maya that upgrade such a feature for maya
  • Talbot
    How do you do it in max?
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    motion tab > position/rotation or scale > Assign Controler > ?? Motion Capture > input x,y,z,... > Joystick Input device
    its quite easy to define with that a turnable camera using a analogue joystick
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    I have used a "JoystickServer" app with Maya many years ago. It was able to feed the joystick commands as values right into Maya.


    No idea if it still works. Keep us updated :)

    And this one I found with google.


    "Controller Server: Extremely simple program to make the inputs from an Xbox 360 controller available to Maya."
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    You gotta love Maya... been playing around with this during the day. Made a small Wipeout Racer and also LowMan rig aiming and shooting a rifle :)
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    Which of the two particular scripts are you using or finding most useful? I might load this up at home and try it out...
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    The xbox360 one works like a charm. Tried it in 2009 at work.
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Screenshot of on of my projects.

    With the Left Stick you aim. Right Trigger fires. Left Trigger switches between Full Auto / Single Shot.

    The graphics is LowMan rig with a simple gun geometry. The tracer rounds are from a particle emitter that is emitting instances of a polygon plane textured with a bitmap of a tracer round. The tracer particles collide with the target, which then "splits" and emits some spark particles.

    Loads of fun. Recommended if you dare to mess around with a bit more "techy" stuff.

  • DerDude
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    DerDude polycounter lvl 10
    i will try this, i´ve seen that controller-stuff some time ago but i was too busy and forgot about it.
    Pretty hot imo, especially the fact that you need no programmer that does stuff for you like under normal game-condition when you got no node-based-animation-editor... sry for my english
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    DerDude wrote: »
    i will try this, i´ve seen that controller-stuff some time ago but i was too busy and forgot about it.
    Pretty hot imo, especially the fact that you need no programmer that does stuff for you like under normal game-condition when you got no node-based-animation-editor... sry for my english


    All my messing around was done in Maya's Script Editor with very simple programming commands. ie

    if (controller.lt == 1)
    particleShape1.rate = controller.lt * 20;

  • DerDude
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    DerDude polycounter lvl 10
    kodde wrote: »

    All my messing around was done in Maya's Script Editor

  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Fun fun fun :)


    EDIT: Updated link with minor correction.
  • Dr Stench
    lol, l33tness. I made a "game" in Maya once with a small hovercraft shooting bricks with particles. Only one problem, there wasn't really a big market for it, since the minimum system requirements were... Maya.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    What about viewport navigation!! That'd be neat!
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    or a script in which one can select any object and once initialized the camera follows that object (based on object height - some smart zoom) and the gamepad controls the object like a character in a game (including jumping) to simulate a third person game level.
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Dr Stench wrote: »
    lol, l33tness. I made a "game" in Maya once with a small hovercraft shooting bricks with particles. Only one problem, there wasn't really a big market for it, since the minimum system requirements were... Maya.

    Haha :) Not exactly the best platform if you plan on going commercial.
    pior wrote: »
    What about viewport navigation!! That'd be neat!

    That sounds fairly easy, should only a few connections and tweaking.
    renderhjs wrote: »
    or a script in which one can select any object and once initialized the camera follows that object (based on object height - some smart zoom) and the gamepad controls the object like a character in a game (including jumping) to simulate a third person game level.

    This sounds cool. Making an interactive selection is probably the biggest challenge. Getting the camera to zoom is probably done by checking the object's bounding box, and follow is no problemo.

    I had a similar idea of making some kind of interactive gallery thing to show of several model/texture pieces.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Let's see!

    Left analog : pan
    Right analog : rotate with dolly locked
    Analog shoulders : zoom in and out
    blue : frame selected
    dpad : scene hierarchy navigation
    green : slection (q)
    red : spacebar
    yellow : ctrl spacebar
    right shoulder button : hypershade toggle
    left shoulder button : outliner toggle
    Dashboard buton : ctrl s

  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    pior wrote: »
    Let's see!

    Left analog : pan
    Right analog : rotate with dolly locked
    Analog shoulders : zoom in and out
    blue : frame selected
    dpad : scene hierarchy navigation
    green : slection (q)
    red : spacebar
    yellow : ctrl spacebar
    right shoulder button : hypershade toggle
    left shoulder button : outliner toggle
    Dashboard buton : ctrl s


    Thats a bit more than just viewport navigation ;) Selection is probably the hardest part, since you probably want "interactive" selection where you select whatever is centered in the current camera.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Hmm yeah actually the green button selection thing is useless, since the Dpad could be used to navigate the scene hierarchy!
    Maybe green could be used for deselect all.

    (sorry to not call the buttons by their names, I never managed to wrap my head around them because of my SNES days when yellow was B, green Y, blue X and red A!!)
  • Toast
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    Toast polycounter lvl 11
    I used to have a Tetris script in Maya where you could play the full game. That was nuts, wish I never lost it.
  • Allert
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    Allert polycounter lvl 11
    hey guys - wow, i didn't expect so much response, but great to hear that there's a solution! Now, i tried the script from onepartcode.com, but it didn't seem to work. The controller name in the mel script is XenonController, but i have an xbox controller, and i'm not sure how to call it. the script help told me to enter this line into maya's script editor:

    "defineDataServer -device xenon -server XenonController;"

    but i obviously got the following respone in maya:

    "Error: Could not connect to server: XenonController"

    any idea what to call my controller, so the script can connect to it? I'm really looking forward to playing with this :) Thanks again for the great response! keep it up


    EDIT: before you ask, yes, i plugged in my controller before maya starts :P
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19

    The way I did it was to install the ControllerServer through this binary:

    1. Install the application from the link above.
    2. Make sure your controller is plugged in.
    3. Start the ControllerServer
    4. Start Maya
    5. Run the "defineDataServer -device xenon -server XenonController;"
    6. You should now have a "xenon" device in your Window > Animation Editor > Device Editor.

    At this point you need to connect all the xenon device outputs to attributes in Maya. For instance create a locator, add attributes to it, connect the xenon outputs to the locator attributes.

    Good luck and feel free to ask questions and share your creations :)

    From the comments on Ryane's blog. Just to let you know.
    "Yeah I don’t think the controller plugin will work on the 64 bit version… Maybe someday I can bug dave into releasing one."
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    been messing around, this is neat... how do you make an object not snap back into place when you are finished pressing the buttons?
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    arshlevon wrote: »
    been messing around, this is neat... how do you make an object not snap back into place when you are finished pressing the buttons?

    You gotta make sure the objects translate value is not a direct connection to the xenon controllers output.

    pCube1.translateX = myControllerObject.xenonLeftStickX; <---- This would "snap" back when you let go of the Left Stick.

    pCube1.translateX = pCube1.translateX + myControllerObject.xenonLeftStickX; <---- This would just "add" the xenon controllers output every time it evaluates the expression meaning that when you let go of the Left stick the pCube1 would just stop and not "snap" back.

    Here's another issue. You might have noticed that the Left Stick / Right Stick do not exactly revert back to 0 when you let go of them, the usually end up at somewhere between 0.0-0.15. Meaning that if you were to use the expression example above your pCube1 would never actually stop entirely. So you could just filter this with a simple "IF" condition.

    if (myControllerObject.xenonLeftStickX > 0.15 || myControllerObject.xenonLeftStickX < -0.15)
    pCube1.translateX = pCube1.translateX + myControllerObject.xenonLeftStickX;

    The "||" is an "OR" command, so if either > 0.15 OR < -0.15 are true then it will proceed with the commands contained in the "IF". There is also an "AND" command which is "&&"

    Good luck :)

    Oh yes, and use Dynamics > Solvers > Interactive Playback when testing your features like this since it forces Maya to evaluate every frame and not just when you update an input. Otherwise the example I showed above won't work well.
  • Synthesizer
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    Synthesizer polycounter lvl 11
    How do you get it to remember the assignments? When I shut down maya and reopened a scene I had saved, nothing is connected anymore. The locator I was using as a go between still has connections to nodes called blendDevice1, 2,3, etc. but they're not connected in the devices editor.
  • Allert
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    Allert polycounter lvl 11
    alright, so, i made this little prototype car, but I have a hard time getting the parenting right for the car to behave logically. Basically, I mapped the controller to use its LeftXaxis for the car to turn in its Y-axis , and the controller's LeftYaxis to move the car backwards and forwards (Z-axis). But it seems that the car is using maya's world's axis system, rather than its local axis-system, so my car goes up and down the worlds' Z axis just fine, and when I turn, it just turns on the spot, as if its on an icerink. Any suggestions as to how i should setup a rig for the car to behave correctly?

    thanks in advance!


    ps. I'll try and make a little video which shows you what i mean
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Not sure what you mean with the axises, should work right of the bat I think. Post that video or your scene file.
  • Allert
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    Allert polycounter lvl 11
    Hi Kodde,

    thanks for trying to help me out. The .ma file and video are located @ http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/627095/3D/Car.avi (XVID) and http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/627095/3D/Car.ma

    Basically, i want the car to be able to steer and turn properly, not just skid around, like in the video. About half way in the avi, you see me switch to relative mode on the Car.rotateY attrib, which ables the car to do 360's and stuff, but other than that, the car isn't really steerable (english?) Oh, and also, how do i save the maya file, so it will remember all the mappings? Because how it is now, i have to remap everything from scratch when i reopen the file in maya, which is really annoying. Thanks again! :)


  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Hey Allert,

    I'm leaving to spend the a day or two at my gf's parents house. I tried playing around with your scene for a while and I know what issue you are referring to. I'm just not sure how to solve it... yet.

    The issue is that even if you rotate the car object it's still parented under Maya's world coordinates. This means that if you rotate it in Y, and then change it's translateZ it's not going to "move forward" in the direction the car is facing. For that to happen you would have to either alter both translateZ and translateX, which doesn't make things easy. A more convenient way would be that you never actually rotate the car itself, instead you rotate it's parent (coordinate system). This would allow you to always just change the car's translateZ and it would appear to move forward in the direction it's facing, but... You need the cars parent coordinate system to follow the car's position, and I'm not sure how to force a parent object to follow the child object without cycle checks.

    You can try this yourself and you will see what I am referring to.
    1. Create any object, leave it at origo.
    2. Group your new object.
    3. Rotate the group along rotateY. The object should appear to have rotated. It hasn't, it's parent (coordinate system) has.
    4. You should now be free to move the object "forward" by altering only it's translateZ value. So far so good right?
    5. After you have moved the object any distance from origo, try rotating the Group again to simulate your object turning. Note the issue at hand.

    Regarding attaching the controls everytime you open your scene this can be done by creating a new scriptNode in the expression editor and setting it to trigger at Open/Close. Before you do this I would advice you create some dummy object and link all the Xenons outputs to that dummy object. Then you can retrieve the values from that dummy object instead of attaching the Xenons outputs directly to your affected object.

    Open the Windows > Animation Editors > Expression Editor. Under Select Filter change it to "By Script Node Name". Enter a new name for your Script Node "attachJoystick" for instance. Change the "Execute on:" to "Open/Close". Now paste your attach commands in the Script field and hit create. Voila!
  • Allert
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    Allert polycounter lvl 11
    yeah, i tried the group-thingy before, but i got the same issue you described. i actually lost some sleep trying to get my head around how this is at all possible. I also tried using physics, so that the only things that are controlled are the wheels spinning/steering. But once the car hits the floor plane, although the controls seem to work just fine, they seem to get no grip on the plane at all. I prefer doing this with physics in the end though, so the car can ride (and jump :) ) on rougher terrain as well

    happy easter !

  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    I am also curious about if this is possible at all...

    I have played around with physics as well. Works quite well. But I had the same issue there when working with the Impulse attributes.
  • Allert
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    Allert polycounter lvl 11
    hey kodde - i found a way to do it with physics :D ! i downloaded the little xboxRocket.mel from http://www.ryane.com/?p=165 - rotated the rocket, so its lying down, and parented the car to it. I then mapped the xenon.LeftXAxis to Rocket.spinImpulseY, which ables the car to turn. I mapped xenon.LeftYAxis to the Rocket's thrust attributes, and low and behold it worked! :) Though i'm not sure how this Ryan guy connected the nodes - as i'm not that advanced. So, for now, i'll use this little rocket for everything i want to control with my controller. check out the vid how it looks now. http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/627095/3D/CarNew.avi the car (or rather the rocket) still needs a better collision hull, but other than that, it couldn't get any better. dont be fooled by the compressionFramerate though, its going supersmooth in maya.
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Haha :)
    That's cool Allert. I gotta disect his scene to find out how!

    Ah yes, this had occurred to me. He has solved it using vectors to move the object around. Not that I fully understand how to use these though.
  • Allert
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    Allert polycounter lvl 11
    Hey guys, i thought about picking up the xbox360 controller in maya thingy again, but for some reason, it won't work at all anymore. The controller is recognised by windows, the controls work, since i can play games with it. But maya seems to be the only program it won't work in. I took the usual route of opening ControllerServer, opening maya, doing the "defineDataServer -device xenon -server XenonController;" thingy. The device is recognised alright if i go to windows/animation/device editor. I mapped the controls to the object's attributes, which also goed ok. So far so good, right? Well, maya just doesn't recognise my twiddling with the controller. tried right/left triggers, sticks, everything, nothing seems to work. Can someone please help me out? I searched and searched for days on end, but i'm still at the same problem I was at the start, only more frustrated. I also tried in both windows 7 32bits, and 64bits, maya 7, 2010 (32bits), 2011 (64bits), tried using my ps3 controller but its the same deal. So i'm sure its not a controller issue. I even tried the old JoystickServer program. Again, in windows it's fine, and maya sees and connects it to the device editor, the controls just won't work :S

    I hope someone has the same problem as me, cuz I hate not knowing whats wrong
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Hey Allert,

    Sounds like a bummer. Seems good that Maya recognizes it at all to begin with.

    How are you testing it out? You say that it doesn't recognize your twiddling, what should happen if it worked? Brief us on how you go from the device editor to when you expect it to modify/transform your object.
  • Allert
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    Allert polycounter lvl 11
    Hi Kodde :) thx for the quick reply!

    Here's a link to a rar'd avi file, which shows you want I mean. Basically, what you see me doing there on the left is showing you my controller is indeed working correctly, but when i switch to maya, the bindings I made don't seem to work at all.



  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Allert> I had a look at your recording and I also think that should work. I remember using the dynamics > solvers > interactive playback, but I'm guessing this was only for getting dynamics to work and allow control at the same time? Not a requirement for you to control the object at all to begin with right?

    Did you install the xbox controller drivers for windows? Can't remember if this was a must, but I remember getting some kind of HUD graphics when using my controller with windows. At least a times? Maybe when I pressed the start button or smth.

    I'm fresh out of ideas to be honest.
  • Allert
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    Allert polycounter lvl 11
    Yup, the interactive playback is just for physics calculation, and forcing maya to refresh every frame. I tried that, believe me :P

    And yes, i tried several actually, and the latest driver I got from http://www.microsoft.com/hardware/download/download.aspx?category=gaming. I think the driver is fine, the controller is recognised by windows, just not in Maya for some reason. As for the HUD, do you mean this gizmo?

    I also have a 64bit windows 7 installed on a different partition, which has the exact same problem, so my gut tells me it has something to do with Windows 7's architecture or something, not sure what else it could be.

    Are you using Windows 7? Or Windows XP/Vista

    Thanks anyway for your help


  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Allert> I'm on Win 7 64-bit at home. Did my playing around with the xenon at work where I have Vista 64-bit so I cannot really confirm your instincts here. Controller also at work. I'll get around to bringing it with me home and trying it on this machine.

    Yeah that's the small HUD-thingie I was referring to.
  • Allert
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    Allert polycounter lvl 11
    OK cool, looking forward to your findings at home :) In the meantime, I'll add another partition with Windows Vista, to see if that will make any difference
  • Allert
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    Allert polycounter lvl 11
    Hey guys, yesterday I installed Windows vista to see if the OS is causing the controller not to work in maya, and I was right :D. It works flawlessly in Vista, so I'm right back on it!

    @ Kodde: I had a couple of questions concerning expressions (which isn't my strong suit yet). I made this character a while ago, and i hooked him up to some constraints, and now you can move him around the scene, but for some reason, he never comes to a complete standstill. I'm wondering how i should fix this. This is my script i'm using for the navigation of my character:

    if (ctrl.LeftXAxis > -0.15 || ctrl.LeftXAxis < 0.15)
    MoveCTRL.translateX = ctrl.LeftXAxis + MoveCTRL.translateX;

    if (ctrl.LeftYAxis > -0.15 || ctrl.LeftYAxis < 0.15)
    MoveCTRL.translateZ = ctrl.LeftYAxis + MoveCTRL.translateZ;

    do you know of a way to add a correct parameter (or which parameter do i need to change to get him to stand still on the spot?).

    Later, I also want to attach animation clips to the controller, but I have no idea how to set it up. For now, i made some poses, and connected the driven keys to the sticks/triggers.

    here's a zip with my maya file + attachments. If you could try it out, and help me out, i'd appreciate it greatly! :)

    oh, and here's a movie i made, so you can see it in action.

    also, does anyone know how to tone down the sensitivity of the controller?
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Allert> I'm also not that good with programming/expressions in general either. But here's what I think.

    You have this if statement which triggers when your thumb sticks are actively moved. But when you releases the thumb sticks it won't trigger the the if statement, but Maya still remembers that the MoveCTRL.translateX is stil equal to itself + the ctrl.LeftXAxis (which you know never is 0, even when not moving the sticks).

    You can add an Else statement in conjunction with your if statement. For instance

    if (ctrl.LeftXAxis > -0.15 || ctrl.LeftXAxis < 0.15)
    MoveCTRL.translateX = ctrl.LeftXAxis + MoveCTRL.translateX;
    } Else {
    MoveCTRL.translateX = MoveCTRL.translateX;

    This should make it stand still since in the scenario that you do not actively move the sticks you feed the MoveCTRL the same value it already has.
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Here's some other thoughts.

    Add a accelarate/speed feature. Each evaluation you let the sticks build up this accelerate value which is added to the translate to make your character move forward. Once you let go of the stick this value decrease and there by the characters movement speed as well until he comes to a stop eventually. This gives you a nice easy in easy out touch instead of instant full movement and instant stop.

    Also, I haven't tried this but maybe it is possible to make your own smoothing of the controller input. If you can store a series of last input values and calculate the mean value(?) from these you get a bit smoother input instead of jagged ones. Don't overdo it as it should also add delay the more values you use I suppose?
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Also. Now that I look at your code, shouldn't the > and < be reversed? I always manage to get confused by these myself as well, but I think you got them wrong. At least if you're doing what I think you're doing, only register active moves on the thumb stick and not the minor noise that's always there.
  • Allert
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    Allert polycounter lvl 11
    Hey Kodde, you were right about the reversed < and >. I got rid of the noise now :) thx. Im still completely in the dark how i should add an ease-in/out feature, as I said, im completely new to scripting, and i basically copy/pasted your script from a couple of threads back. If you can point me to the functions that are needed for this feature, that'd be great.

    btw, have you tried out the controller yet on your Windows 7 at home? Im curious to know if its just my setup, or a definate bug, that needs to be sorted out @ Autodesk.

    thanks again
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Allert> Sorry for not replying earlier. I'm back at work now so I'm gonna bring the control home and give it a go on win7. I'll let you know as soon as I've tried it.

    The way I handled speed as I mentioned earlier was with simple declarations of variables, if statements and some basic math. I'll try to find you some example, but I'm pretty much in a similar boat as you, I'm not that experienced with scripting.
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    So I just tried the xenon controller in Win7 running Maya 2010 64-bit.

    Maya just crashes. Posts error first that Memory is low and might be "thrown" and that "XenonController". Then the program just shuts itself down.

    Now I right-clicked both ControllServer and Maya and chose Run as Administrator. Now it doesn't post Low on memory but it's still saying it cannot find "XenonController".
  • Allert
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    Allert polycounter lvl 11
    Hey Kodde, thanks for the update. Wow, it crashes? And you're getting the error about the XenonController, when you type "defineDataServer -device xenon -server XenonController;" in the console? Thats weird. So, its not displaying in Windows/Animation Editors/Device Editor either? Cause you should get the same error if the device is already connected in Maya.
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Allert wrote: »
    Hey Kodde, thanks for the update. Wow, it crashes? And you're getting the error about the XenonController, when you type "defineDataServer -device xenon -server XenonController;" in the console? Thats weird. So, its not displaying in Windows/Animation Editors/Device Editor either? Cause you should get the same error if the device is already connected in Maya.

    Yeah I get that when running the define data server command. I haven't checked the device editor actually since I just assumed it wouldn't work cause of the error. I'm used to running the define string the first thing I do.

    I'll check it when I'm back home tonight.

    How is your project going?
  • Allert
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    Allert polycounter lvl 11
    I decided to give up on trying to bind it all in maya, and i'm trying to transfer over everything to Unity. I'm totally new to the program, but it looks i'm able to make everything i need in there concerning binding animations to my controller :p. I wish i had some more time to work in it though. Getting pretty busy at work again
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