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polycounter lvl 18
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JO420 polycounter lvl 18
This is a little something i am working on at the moment. I really loved the design when i saw it which is by Feng Zhu.


My intention is to finish this and import it into the Unreal 3 editor and make it a driveable vehicle in Unreal 3. So far i havent made and of the normals for this besides the tires. I am working on the colors and design elements of the tank and when i finish that ill move on to normals. Since its for the Unreal Tourney 3 i am giving it a similar color scheme to the vehicles in the game.Sadly i discovered a slight flaw in my interpretention of the design but i dont think its enough to distract from the over all look. The left side of the vehicle i didnt have any reference of so i made a retractable laser canon on a rail system,its made compact to the side so it doesnt affect the overall sillouhette from the design.

In terms of weapons id love to make this a 2 player vehicle wit ha machine gun,missle launchers,laser cannon and maybe a tow type of missle. If i can figure out how to make it.


  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, I liked that Zhu design too. Feels nice and solid.

    As for your model, it's a good start, but I'd suggest that you've made it too wide currently. I think it's partly to do with how you've interpreted the perspective he's drawn it in, but all your pieces look too wide.
    For example those 6 panels on the roof, in your model they are nearly square, but they're clearly rectangular in the concept. Also those 6 rivets on the front scoop thing are more closely spaced in the concept than you have put them, which means that the whole scoop is too wide.

    In general it seems like you've missed a lot of the "chunkiness" from the concept that was making it cool. The wheels you've modelled look too small, along with a lot of the attachment detail (for example those solar-panelly things coming out of the cylindrical turret bit), in the concept they are large and nearly touching each other, in your model they are quite small and far apart. Same with the front right gun turret emplacement... you've made it too small compared to the concept.

    I think if you just scale up some of these pieces to properly match the concept art, and in general make the whole vehicle a little narrower, it will end up looking a lot cooler.

    Keep it up!
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    MoP wrote: »
    Yeah, I liked that Zhu design too. Feels nice and solid.

    As for your model, it's a good start, but I'd suggest that you've made it too wide currently. I think it's partly to do with how you've interpreted the perspective he's drawn it in, but all your pieces look too wide.
    For example those 6 panels on the roof, in your model they are nearly square, but they're clearly rectangular in the concept. Also those 6 rivets on the front scoop thing are more closely spaced in the concept than you have put them, which means that the whole scoop is too wide.

    In general it seems like you've missed a lot of the "chunkiness" from the concept that was making it cool. The wheels you've modelled look too small, along with a lot of the attachment detail (for example those solar-panelly things coming out of the cylindrical turret bit), in the concept they are large and nearly touching each other, in your model they are quite small and far apart. Same with the front right gun turret emplacement... you've made it too small compared to the concept.

    I think if you just scale up some of these pieces to properly match the concept art, and in general make the whole vehicle a little narrower, it will end up looking a lot cooler.

    Keep it up!

    Hmm good observation,ill have to scale quite a bit to match the concept. Think some of the elements i can scale uniformly will get too much of a hit in pixel density? It doesnt feel the amount of scaling i need on these bits might not hurt it too bad.
    Im thinking the tires,headlights,cylinders on solar panel and wheel cover. I think the main body,scoop and top panels i might have to remap.
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    I finally got back to work on this,scaled the proportions a bit to match the concept and began working on a texture.


    Still have lots of detail to build up all around the Tank's diffuse due to the massive amount of parts on it. As well as bulding up some of its basic normals along the way.
  • Bronco
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    Bronco polycounter lvl 18
    hey Jo

    Nice start so far...I agree 100% with MoP and I think you've only edited some of the problems he observed particularly with the proportions.

    The most ovious one to me is that the barrel thing on the front (nearest the camara in your last image) is far to small.
    Notice that if you put a camara to a similar position to the perspective Feng has drawn it the barrel would almost start to cover that bulkhead panel on the front.
    Also im not seeing much change on the solar light thing MoP pointed out. They still seem to small.

    Nice start though...Seen several efforts at modeling this,might have to try it myself and eat my own words in the process no doubt :).

  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    no hi poly to low poly? or do you prefer to do the low first then hi, or are you just going to do a few details here n there and then create your map in photoshop?
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    Bronco: Thanks for the feedback,scaled up the turret a little bit and the canisters i gave them a push with a slight scaling to give them a chunkier look.

    EricV: Aside from the tries there was no hi to low poly,the details on this model are basic enough you dont really need a hig poly for. Most of the normal map details can be achieved through photoshop or Crazybump.
  • Pedro Amorim
    you're doing it wrong :D
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    not sure I agree there JO, I think you're underestimating the power of baked normals
    its looking good, but I'm certain a high poly bake would get you the best results
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Yeah, I agree with rooster. Normal map bake off a high poly would look nicer; but your doing a very good job with diffuse as is. Perhaps you could just go straight diffuse map with this one.
  • Ott
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    Ott polycounter lvl 13
    the details on this model are basic enough you dont really need a hig poly for

    100% disagree.

    This sort of stuff is high-poly gold.
  • wester
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    wester polycounter lvl 13
    I actually agree with Ott on this one. Zhu's design could look SOOO cool as a high poly piece, baked down to a lowpoly. It'd make for an amazing portfolio piece as well.

    His design just screams highpoly goodness!
  • mikezoo
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    mikezoo polycounter lvl 14
    I got to ditto what Ott and wester said. This would be a killer portfolio peice if you did an amazing high-poly to low. Even just a solid high-res piece would be killer. You should tottaly reconsider what direction your taking this in. I deffently dig what you got going but the alternative direction would be much cooler.:thumbup:

    Got any other links to some kickass vechile concept art? a month or so back i was trying to find some vechile concept artists and dident find much. many thanks and keep going with this, whatever direction you do take it!
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