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Help Photoshop CS4 woes

polycounter lvl 17
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Slingshot polycounter lvl 17
I am having a couple of issues that I cannot figure out how to fix while I am trying out the 30day trial of Photoshop CS4 . I am working on CS2 currently and was thinking of buying an upgrade, but I would like to figure out if it is worth the hassle.

-Their is a nasty white outer glow on the pixel outline of the brush shape.
-When I scale my brush size up, the brush outline literally disappears on one side and then completely disappears if scaled larger. From what it looks like if the brush is scaled larger than it was created it will disappear.

Is their anyway to fix these problems?

My current Photoshop "Preferences"/Settings:
-Interface> Panels & Documents: Open Documents as Tab: TURNED OFF
-Cursors> Painting Cursors: Normal Brush Tip.
Memory Usage: 1,000 MB (60%)
Scratch Disks: (TURNED ON) Free space 661.16GB
History: 70 (the higher # the more computer resources used, yeah I know)
Cache Levels: 4
GPU Settings: TURNED OFF (Slow as CRAP on my computer)

-Computer Spec's available upon request.-


  • peppi
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    peppi polycounter lvl 18
    The second one is a bug that occurs on Nvidia cards with 2 or more displays. You can either fix this by using PS on the primary display, or by decreasing hardware acceleration on the secondary display to something lower than 100%, or get the latest video drivers (from March). Unfortunately it looks like the two latter options will give you some quite noticeable lag while painting, ie. the image won't update during/after every stroke as it should.. so for the time being, I'd advise using CS1-3 if you don't absolutely have to use 4.

    [edit]And yeah, that soft white outline around the brush tip is fucking annoying, I've looked everywhere but haven't found an option to turn it off.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    I'm fairly sure the outline is a "feature" since the old photoshop brushes would disappear on 50% grey backgrounds. CS4's brushes can never disappear.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    The outline is a feature so you can see the brush on a 50% grey background but it was not there in cs2. The brush disappearing after you scale it up happens to everyone. I found updating my video card driver fixed that issues but I also had to disable opengl, if you use the auto update feature it should fix a lot of performance issues while running in non opengl. I haven't seen a single computer yet that runs cs4 opengl with any consistent success. So unless you care about smart filters and non destructive canvas rotation or all that 3d gayness they put in I see no reason for the upgrade.
  • Slingshot
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    Slingshot polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for the help....
    I really hope that outer glow/outline is not a "feature" on the brushes from hence forth. If it is a "feature" their needs to be some plastic wiffle bat beatings in the design room at Adobe :)
    ...Is outerglow on our brushes more important than lets say....a Color Wheel....hmm
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