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Industry related April Fools Pranks

I'm two days behind, but that doesn't really matter. I'm sure we've all seen a few good industry related April Fools Day pranks in the last few days, and I wanted to see what everyone else stumbled upon. For example:

1) John Lasseter updated his Facebook page stating "John Lasseter will be leaving Pixar to be the Creative Director for Dreamworks Animatoin". There were a few 'WTFz', but about three hours later it was updated, stating "John Lasseter will not leave Pixar, of course. Not ever."

2) Blizzard ALWAYS has good pranks, and this year they did one for all three major franchises.

StarCraft II added a new Terran unit, the 'Terra Tron'. Gobots meets Transformers meets badass. The dialogue adds even more humor to it.

Diablo III announced a new playable class, the Archivist. I liked the "Shush" ability; too goofy.

World of Warcraft now has a PvP mode called Dance Battle System. Take dumb movies like "You Got Served" but make them less retarted and much less damaging to the brain.

3) Microsoft requests a $20 billion dollar bailout from the federal government, stating that "This is simply a crisis of dollars -- a crisis of not having enough dollars coming our way. And if Microsoft collapses, better than 80 percent of the OS market collapses with us. We are requesting these bailout funds to avoid that undesirable outcome by bridging the gap between now and Windows 7."


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