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Time Warner Cable

polycounter lvl 15
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Firebert polycounter lvl 15


  • chrismaddox3d
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    chrismaddox3d polycounter lvl 17
    I am in Mckinney,tx north of Dallas,tx,
    Hope they dont start this here,
    I may need to move to Fios or AT&T fiber soon,
    For us who use netflix this isnt fair,
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 18
    I intend to make the switch to FIOS as soon as it becomes available in my area, which should be soon. Apparently the cable has already been put in the ground and I have received notices that it is coming, so it shouldn't be much longer before I am free of the evil that is TWC for good.
  • chrismaddox3d
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    chrismaddox3d polycounter lvl 17
    AstroZombie what part of tx are u in,
    I know here in Mckinney we have at&t fiber my neighbor has it,
    Just wish we could get fios soon since ive heard better things about it,
    Read on dsl reports at&t may start caps soon anyways,
  • ArtsyFartsy
    They've been talking about this for a while. I guess they finally decided to go through with it.

    They're such total bungholes, they will do this only in regions where they have no real competition, because otherwise it would never work.

    They're trying to set customers against each other by pretending that slow connections are the fault of "a few bandwith hogs" who use up all the good internet and only bad internet is left for responsible users. When in reality people get slow connections because their cable network is running at max capacity and they can't/don't want to spend the money to upgrade it.

    sandpaper up their asses
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    You guys are missing the money making opportunity here. I should make/sell a device to track household bandwidth usage :D

    This is why I don't want shit tied to the internet. These are some of the greediest fucks running the show.
  • Rob Galanakis
    They're trying to set customers against each other by pretending that slow connections are the fault of "a few bandwith hogs" who use up all the good internet and only bad internet is left for responsible users. When in reality people get slow connections because their cable network is running at max capacity and they can't/don't want to spend the money to upgrade it.

    They've been talking about this for ages, how cable will get slower when more users are using it. I haven't noticed- my internet is as fast as ever. Cable companies are just using it as an excuse to monetize the reliance on broadband for all sorts of things (MMO's, digital distribution, and especially legal movie downloads now).

    The only thing to do is switch. There is a LOT of money here and if TWC and others don't change their ways, other companies will move in pretty quickly with new tech and steal their customers. There are alternatives and the more people switch, the quicker we will have even more and better alternatives.
  • ArtsyFartsy
    I hear they got some internet up Californi-way

  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 18
    AstroZombie what part of tx are u in,


    I can already get AT&T but wanted to wait for FIOS so I can just worry about one bill for cell phone, cable and internet.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    we got Fios and AT&T universe... The article said AT&T is working on plans for tiers as well... So we will see. I got fios already hooked up in the house just not activated... I don't want a box to watch TV with, so I get basic cable... with no box and over the air HD... afaik only Time warner is boxless for that.. Verizon and AT&T i have to have a box for any signal. :(
  • I_luv_Pixels
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    I_luv_Pixels polycounter lvl 17
    well im switching companies today.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    I found this to be a very interesting part of the article....

    Time Warner Cable CEO Glenn Britt says in an interview. "We made a mistake early on by not defining our business based on the consumption dimension." Time Warner Cable has 8.4 million broadband customers.

    .... soooooooooo, you say that you screwed up as a cover up, and now you're gonna make the consumer pay for your "mistake"....

    bad business, bad company, make the switch and don't use 'em and watch this douche get his chestnuts roasted and toasted by unhappy consumers and stockholders.
  • Rob Galanakis
    Recommendations for broadband providers in Austin?
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    i hate them. HATE HATE HATE
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    This is complete bullshit. Being charged for air. I seriously wish there was an alternative in NC...aside from very low end DSL packages. But, I will go with the slower internet out of the principal of it. This is what happens when companies obtain monopolies in areas. Sad times.
  • bounchfx
    I agree, this is total ass. I'm getting fios as soon as it's available here. Faster AND cheaper? yes please.
  • Ryan Clark
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    Ryan Clark polycounter lvl 18
    In Austin, I recommend Grande Communications.

    But if you're stuck with Time Warner, I believe you can still get unlimited service through EarthLink.

    EarthLink uses Time Warner's cable, but I don't think they have metered service. They might be somewhat slower than TimeWarner though.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    We have Road Runner lite at the house in Plano, TX. Kinda sad that Austin is doing this, so essentially if you stream netflix movies or games, your going to get charged, wonderful.
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    I'm in no way a cable genius, so correct me if I'm wrong here, but doesn't the television service use the same lines...sending and receiving what is essentially the exact same data? If that's the case, what's the justification here? I can leave my TV tuned to HBO HD, streaming 1080p, all day long...and not get "charged" for the bandwidth...all the while recording/downloading two other shows, but if I'm to download the exact same data via my computer...we're made to believe some kind of magic happens here and we're costing them money?
  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    the internet is for nerds.

    I've been following this for a while and I thought I saw somewhere they mentioned this new data plan only applies to new customers. Maybe they just said fuck that and we're all getting charged. oh well.
  • ericdigital
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    ericdigital polycounter lvl 13
    I'm here in Austin and use Grande Communications. It's pretty reliable and haven't had any real problems.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    i haven't seen anything in my bill or flyers or anything about upcoming change in the Dallas area thankfully..
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18

    how am I, as a start-up, supposed to get my goddamn feet of the ground if nobody can afford the bandwidth to download a game demo or two?
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    wow, you guys see that comcast just pulls the plug if you go over their limits? Back where I used to live your only alternative to Comcast cable is shitty Embarq DSL.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Well this is pretty much what broadband internet is like Australia wide and has been for years. Gone are the days of unlimited plans :(
  • JesterBox
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    JesterBox polycounter lvl 18
    Great, now I gotta estimate how much porn I'm gonna download each year?

    CEO, hey what if we charged our customers more money, but didn't actually do anything different?

    Other CEOs, holy shit... *fap**fap**fap**fap**fap*
  • 00Zero
    world domination by internet service providers. my god.....its started.

    i remember that one video of those dudes that were talking about this a while ago. everyone laughed at it then. its coming true.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Remember back when it was you got charged by the hour, well they do! They loved it and they have been looking for a way to bring that idea back. This is slightly better than that, but not by much. It's only a matter of time before they all use this. If you believe the idea that if enough people move to company's not doing this that it will cause it to stop your wrong. Because all that will happen is the new company will see how much money they could be making if they put this plan in place. I really hope i'm wrong but i don't think i will be.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    I wonder what Al Gore thinks.. arrgh
  • 00Zero
    Remember back when it was you got charged by the hour, well they do! They loved it and they have been looking for a way to bring that idea back. This is slightly better than that, but not by much. It's only a matter of time before they all use this. If you believe the idea that if enough people move to company's not doing this that it will cause it to stop your wrong. Because all that will happen is the new company will see how much money they could be making if they put this plan in place. I really hope i'm wrong but i don't think i will be.

    all it takes is ONE company who isnt full of itself and stands by its customers to stop this from happening.

    i bet congress will pass laws to fux us over on this issue.
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    second grande fer Austin
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    I don't leave my PC running while downloading PornHD, so I'm not going to walk out and change services right away. Also, I have no alternatives. Though, I would like to see those users restricted in some way if it means I get faster speeds. I've paid a large price per month for broadband for the past decade, and have only ever received half the speed I was promised, with no options to lower my bill.

    One DVD-quality stream from Netflix can take up 5 GB. I can probably knock out two of those in a week. That would exceed my monthly limit on the highest tier. Even with only one Instant movie per weeks, that leaves me with 20 GB for Hulu, Youtube, Online Games (PC and Xbox), etc.

    Time Warner's tier pricing is already flawed. If I pay for 40 GB ,but only use half, am I still charged for the 20 GB I didn't use? Do they roll over, like phone plans? It's all planned to screw the user until enough people demand something else. They should work to raise the highest tier, and lower the cost of each plan. Otherwise, lots of entertainment providers will continue to be pissed at this slowing their growth on the internet.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Conspiracy claim my post all you want.

    You want to know another reason?

    So TV is still feasible for them. They can make more money on TV revenue than net. Especially since these companies also own or have stock in TV studios.

    They are afraid of the net overtaking the standard TV payment and advertisement system. In a way, they are specifically standing in the way of progress to promote a less viable system.

    What we need is are broadband providers just dedicated to net access without any conflicts of interests in other competing realms with entertainment of information.
  • bounchfx
    shit oxy, that's what I do now. I don't have cable tv because I don't need it. all the shows are online.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    ElysiumGX wrote: »
    Time Warner's tier pricing is already flawed. If I pay for 40 GB ,but only use half, am I still charged for the 20 GB I didn't use? Do they roll over, like phone plans? It's all planned to screw the user until enough people demand something else. They should work to raise the highest tier, and lower the cost of each plan. Otherwise, lots of entertainment providers will continue to be pissed at this slowing their growth on the internet.

    ElysiumGX: This was on the news here in the Triad Area a couple days ago after I posted this thread. Here's how it is going down for the North Carolina area...

    • They will not implement the tier plan system until the Fall of 2009
    • Right now they are monitoring usage of customers in all main service areas (Triad, Raleigh/Durham, Charlotte) to establish tier ranking systems.
    • You WILL NOT have the ability to "roll-over" unused bandwidth... "use it or lose it" - their exact words
    • Existing customers will not have to use the tier system until the end of this year while new customers are being forced to choose a tier
    They keep trying to justify this by making up false claims, saying things like, "this will 'enable' customers to choose a plan that is right for them" and "customers will save money by choosing a tier that suites their needs".

    I had no idea that was being "enabled" with the overwhelming power of choice when I was being "forced" to switch to a tier system! It is so empowering to know that I can choose how to get fucked over! I feel so enlightened now that I am "enabled"! YES!

    They are no better than greedy banks and credit card companies. Corporate America at its finest.
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 18
    00Zero wrote: »
    all it takes is ONE company who isnt full of itself and stands by its customers to stop this from happening.

    IIRC this is exactly how the old days of AOL charging by the hour were brought to an end; other companies popped up that were willing to charge a flat monthly rate while providing better service for less money. I'm pretty sure we'll have some companies that look to compete by offering their customers value instead of trying to squeeze every single last dime out of them.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    IIRC this is exactly how the old days of AOL charging by the hour were brought to an end; other companies popped up that were willing to charge a flat monthly rate while providing better service for less money. I'm pretty sure we'll have some companies that look to compete by offering their customers value instead of trying to squeeze every single last dime out of them.

    How though? In many areas Cable is all you have. I wanted DSL here, but couldnt get it. Had to go with Broadstripe Cable (and they don't nearly have enough powerful gateways fro traffic at peak hours).

    The only other option was Clearwire, not only huge latencies, but everytime a plane goes over, the single is loss.

    I need to point out, this effects many of us as well. Steam, and to a lesser extent, MMOGs. Even that new broadband gaming system network idea. All of these are going to be crippled if all these Companies start caps.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    My cable company used to have caps like this (surprise! they also had a monopoly). At one point I just suddenly got a call saying I went $440 over the invisible 10GB download/1GB upload limit I didn't know I had.

    They let me off with a warning, but I had to closely monitor my internet usage for many months before they finally started raising the cap. 20GB, 30GB, 50GB... I'm not even sure if there is one anymore, but I download as much as I want and they haven't complained lately. Upload speed is still utter shit, though. Hasn't gotten faster in ten years.

    Sucks to hear that other companies are going the reverse direction. Not surprising in the least, but it still sucks. It's especially bad since HD video just became common (see: Youtube) and their caps are shitty for even a decade ago. No one in their right mind would think that's an appropriate limit for this millennium (especially for those terrible prices).
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    I dont have a problem with this.... far as im concerned, I dont sit and hog net all day. I dont download movies or music. This will effectivly get me a cheaper internet price for the same service ive used all along.

    Stop hogn net at home and do it at your work machine =P
  • Eclipse
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    Eclipse polycounter lvl 18
    I used to live in San Antonio, but I used Grande and man I would be soooo happy if I stilled lived there, haha. I can't believe TWC is trying this, but honestly I shouldn't be that surprised. The same thing goes on here in Montreal with Videotron, which is one of the largest providers, you really have to look for someone else to go with. Honestly if some company tried to cap my service, I would just refuse to support them period. I wouldn't downgrade to the "lowest" I would just never give them another dime of my money every again.

    Oxy you conspiracy theory isn't honestly that far fetched. I don't understand why some people just fight the future tooth and nail and refuse to change their business model and adapt.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    bounchfx wrote: »
    I don't have cable tv because I don't need it. all the shows are online.

    Ditto. I have never paid for Cable TV. The channels I need are free, and the shows I want are online for free. What recession? Can anyone find an article on online gaming, and the bandwidth it can use per month? I see that as being my main concern. Paying a fee for online gaming, and being limited in using it for what it's worth.

    @Filebert: Thanks for the info. I, like many, have been paying a set price for broadband for a decade. No discounts in pricing. No improvements in speed. Some family members have been forced to use wireless modems for multiple machines, so that TW could charge them extra. They are great at caring little for customer satisfaction. I can see this new plan being cost effective for some...but more costly for those who use it for many everyday tasks. More big mistakes from the big companies in charge of our quality of life.
  • Thegodzero
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    Don't fuck with North Carolina! Hell yeah! Ignorance is bliss!

    Time Warner Shelves Consumption-Based Pricing Plan
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Nice! Speaking out gets the job done.

    Don't mock people so easily. I'm not aware of my daily average bandwidth usage for games and movies...and I don't want to be charged more money for something I'm not aware of. I think that was the biggest concern for consumers in this discussion.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    ElysiumGX: point taken. My bad.

    I think the vast majority of people that use the internet cannot account for the amount of bandwidth they use, so you are right, that is the biggest driving factor behind this delay.

    Granted this is only a delay, but there is a protest being held locally at the Greensboro office in an attempt to make this a permanent "no go".
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    See, the thing is, that article points out how many movies you can download at those different tiers. I'm not downloading JUST movies. I download Tech shows, music, images, youtube, movie trailers, and general email/web content. That's almost impossible for the average user to know how much they need. My Mom wouldn't even have a clue what a Gigabyte is, let alone, how many she needs.
    The internet was exactly where it should have been. You used it as much as you needed and you paid a flat rate. That's it. The times of paying for how many hours you used were (thankfully) long gone. Going to a tiered plan, or a byte limit is going backwards.
  • Thegodzero
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