Years ago, I aspired to be in the gaming field, designing, or doing art. But, unfortunately, real life got in the way and I had to let those dreams go for awhile. Now, I'm trying to see if there is a chance of rekindling some of the fire I once had. Haven't done any artwork in over 10 years till this past weekend, scribbling on some clean sheets of paper. It was funny how once I got back into a flow, i remembered how much I loved drawing, and I'm hoping to be able to pull it into the 3d world as well now. I am completely self taught, which will account for the amateurish nature of the drawings, but I need to start somewhere. It was last week I came across this site, which was mentioned on a 3d artist's page (, and thats what inspired me to attempt this. Looking forward to any critiques at all, and just general help in pushing myself to make a jump into something I love doing. My first time stepping into an art forum, but I prefer blunt honesty, and have a feeling I'll get it here...=) (Be gentle though, lol) As soon as I get some of these doodles scanned, I'll start posting them.
anyhow, the first couple sheets:
I decided to clean it up a little by tracing over the original scribble...
Bounchfx: I wish I could paint! I checked out your sketchbook, and can see the improvements you have made from the first to the last image...very nice. I went and picked up a wacom and painter, and I know im probably getting ahead of myself, but I couldnt help it, hehe. Though I know it will be some time before I feel
anything is worth posting that comes from it...