Title: TnT Gaming seeks 2d/3d artists. The game is a sequel to our last XBLCG. The game will continue the storyline and begin an episode based structure. The game is a 3D Console Style RPG.
Contact information -
tsanterre@tntgaming.netWebsite - www.tntgaming.net- "Trinity Wars - Episode 1" - The first game told the Prologue of the Tale, and now the real story begins. Episode 1 focuses on the journey of Dominus Equestrius, a young Half-Elf Noble. Together with his best friend and bodyguard, Dimitri, they travel north on a grand adventure. The storyline quickly evolves as a local Oracle reveals the true nature of their quest. Characters from the prologue return and the plot thickens in this first of many episodes.
- The game will be a 3D Console-style RPG. Think an FF10 combat engine with a DQ8 exploration engine. The deep enchantment system that players loved in TWP Spine of the World is back and even better than before. Skill growth customization is also back and even better than the first game. The Voice Acting is also back with a larger vocal cast and better story cut scenes. Pair this with a custom orchestral soundtrack and the Epic of Trinity Wars is ready to go.
- The current team includes over a dozen people and only needs 1-2 artists to round out the team. Be a part of a game that will see a release from a developer who has done it once and learned many lessons.
- 2D Artist Needed for Concept art that follows the artistic style of the first game, (see the cover art for TWP Spine of the World if you need an example of this). Also need the 2D artist to create cut scene backdrops, icons, and menus.
- 3D Artist Needed to Create the Player Characters and Weapons.
- The main engine coding has begun and most of the design is finished. Anticipate a 4-5 month project.
- Compensation is by % of profit ONLY. The overall low sales performance of XBLCGs means we are bringing less cash to the table on this project. We have plenty of artists we could pay, but are looking for someone that wants to work for a % of the cut only. Please do not reply if you have any problems with this at all.