Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

[Portfolio] Matthew Paris

This is an extremely outdated post.

Please visit my website at www.matthewparisportfolio.com !!


  • Em.
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    Em. polycounter lvl 17
    Careful with your color usage, both in your work and on your website, it makes things look dated(the black bg needs to go as does the red text).
  • Stronin
  • Mazvix
    Hey man, few crits:
    I do not like how you are selling yourself, your name should be bigger than 'Environment Artist.'
    -Fix the way you are putting the wire frames. Have the model, duplicate it (ctrl + v) make sure it is a copy not an instance, then have the wire frame settings on a different material ball. Render it with AO (ambient occlusion.)
    - The composition of the page needs work, there is no thought put into it. Before you start have one side for the render, wire frame, and any beauty shots. and the other half of the screen put the numbers and the maps.

    Good Luck.
  • Stronin
  • garriola83
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    garriola83 greentooth
    i dunno about the demo reel playing as you open the site; i believe thats something should be optional and not taking up all the real estate on your website. when i look for a website, i wanna see thumbnails or images right away: environment stills, wireframes, texture sheets, etc. then if im impressed with that, im interested in the reel. sometimes i dont even need to look at it.

    then again thats just me.

    youre definitely not bad at texturing either but the design of the content in your work could be more interesting, in modeling, lighting, presentation, and such.
  • frubes
    i dont think your website or showreel really need much crit currently. Sure theres some little things on both but your still 2 years out from graduating so you have a long way to go yet and you look like your heading in the right direction. I would be more inclined to post some of your work in a thread and get some crits on that.

    Keep plugging away, in a couple of years you will have redone your whole showreel no doubt anyway :)
  • EbolaV
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    EbolaV keyframe
    yup i think you have some nice textures and you still have 2 years you will learn muuuch in that time i think. like me im in still in school too and i learned really much in a short time... ok and i still need to learn more but thats not important now :)

    I dont have much experience in industrie but now the question about high poly and low poly in portfolio in my opinion. Some low poly is nice to show you can manage that part and bake your normalmaps from high poly source but for me its more interesting to see high poly work cause i think its the more artistic work where you can show you ability to detail and know how to make nice normalmap for the current gen (dont kill me if im wrong xD)

    hmm In-Engine is the best choice i think because you want to make games right ^^? So show that you can handle game engines, maybe take a copy of UT3 that you can import your work into a top engine ^^
    hope that helps

    Try to post some of your work here in pc to get ass kicked
  • ImSlightlyBored
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    ImSlightlyBored polycounter lvl 13
    Stronin wrote: »
    I've been on the site for a while poking out of the corners periodically.


    I wanted to start on a portfolio site, despite being about 2 years out from graduation, seeing all the amazing work here on polycount has been a great inspiration to me. I know it needs work, and I would really appreciate any comments or critiques any of you could provide. Any recommendations on things an environment art portfolio should have to be more full and fleshed out would be a major help as well.

    I know I need more actual environments, something I'm working on now, but I also had a few questions, if you have the time.

    High vs Low Poly, should you have both in an environment portfolio or focus more on low poly to show your optimization skills?

    In-Engine Art Vs assets assembled in 3dsmax/Maya?

    Which is more important? Is it good to show more of your technical abilities as far as putting the items into a game. Or better to strictly show your artistic skills with a in-maya render?

    Thank you guys!
    simpler the better
    the less images that aren't related to your work the better (ie scrap the eiffel tower etc)
    as for your questions
    high and low - show both obviously. Its nice to see high, then low (wires), then processed (baked) to see how well you've transferred your details. As long as you keep your tri count reasonable, your optimisation skills won't be focused on so much. But if theres a lot of unnecessary tris... basically, make an effort, but don't worry too much imo, tri count is getting less and less important in comparison to quality of art.

    Always show in engine!! it doesn't make sense - if you want to make art for use in games - to show it in anything other than a game engine! You can render the nicest stuff through normal 3D packages but it might not necessarily mean your work is as good as it looks. In engine, theres no prettying up the render any more than whats possible real-time.
  • Ott
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    Ott polycounter lvl 13
    So what your saying is to have the wireframe superimposed on top of a AO render of the 3d model. I can def. see that looking more professional.

    The words "AO render" and "Professional" when referring to showing off a wireframe / clay render don't generally belong in the same sentence. It's almost as professional as throwing down some uber-1337 lens flare.

    Unless of course, you know what you are doing.
  • javi
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    javi polycounter lvl 16
    Also, aside from what everybody else said, you spelled pdf wrong. In your info section, it currently says Resume. PFD, should be Resume.PFD.
  • Stronin
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