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[Portfolio] Jason Hill

polycounter lvl 13
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truedeja polycounter lvl 13
Hello Polycounters.
I've just completed my game art program at Ai and have a finished portfolio.
Im out in the real world now, im just trying to land on my feet and get my bearings.

Ive been a member for a few months but have never posted, its time that changed. This is a great time to become a lot more active and be apart of the community. A lot of the work on the forums is inspiring and im glad to have been able to see such great work and feedback from other artists and its time i become apart of that.

-Thank you guys for checking this out and C&C is always welcome.



  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Fantastic Jason!

    Your name sounds so familiar too... are you from any other forums?

    Anywho, your work is really strong man, and I love the little animation clip as well. The design of your website is nice and sleek, and right to the point (very nice). I noticed on the last 2 pieces you had (maybe it was the last one, the head) the next and back buttons on the left and right side of the image (when it pops up) doesn't work... could be firefox being lame though. Besides that everything else is top notch man.

    Good luck with the job hunt man, it shouldn't take too long hopefully.
  • truedeja
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    truedeja polycounter lvl 13
    thank you man that means a lot. ill try and fix the buttons if its something i did. And ive been on some forums here and there mostly zbrushcentral though.

    thanks again and i hope so too.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Some nice work you've got, definetly think theirs potential here. Having said that, their are a few things that I found irksom when going through it all.

    first off, you list in your resume your achievments in boyscouts. are you serious? That might have been something good to mention when you were a kid but its not resume material.

    The cowboy:
    -Knee area it seems you wanted to look like had been worn/faded, but instead it just looks blurrier then the rest.
    -His vest chain also doesn't seem to be working with the alpha, and starts/stops out of no where.

    Masked guy:
    -Forearm muscles look sort of flat
    -ao appears to be default black instead of a darker skin tone, and is particularly noticable on the ears.
    -Eyes seem to have a lot of waste, with the whites taking up most of the uv space for no real reason, other then two dabs of red placed on either end.
    -Belts look to be poorly photosourced, with blurry and warped areas throughout.
    -None of the major elements appear to have any real texture to them, just flat colors with ao, their surfaces dont tell any stories as it were.
    -Too many loops on his shoes, belt grenades, and leg pouches which arn't adding to his silhoette.
    -Gun looks fine, but theirs no texture sheet shown, and like the character no highpoly either.

    -Ears are throwing it off, way too blobby.

    -Like the monster his ears are too blobby.
    -scarred eye looks to have healed shut, is this intentional?
    -adams apple looks like just a bump, and not a part of the neck

    I wont comment on the self portrait as theirs no ref pic on your site to go off as to how close the likeness is.
  • truedeja
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    truedeja polycounter lvl 13
    thank you very much for taking the time to look over my stuff and give me such an in depth critique. i will be using the next couple of days to polish up the work already in the portfolio. mainly the grifter masked character and i will take everything youve said to heart in trying to get my work up to a level im proud of. the textures on the masked character are the ones i feel need the most work and ill do my best to improve what i have.

    thank you again and once ive done some more work on everything i will update the portfolio.
  • 00Zero
    hey, nice stuff.

    i don't know if anyones said this already, but the dude with the red mask needs a 2nd pass on the textures. what you have is really good, but it needs a bit more in certain places. his pants (although there is detail) seem very flat and blue. desaturate some parts, brown some parts, make it look used. right now it looks like he bought it from walmart and didnt even wash them to fade them out. hehe. same with the bandana and shirt.

    i really liked your selfportrait and animation.

    also semiauto pistol looks wicked, mind showing texture page for that too?

    some of the texture sizes (the cowboy dude) seem a bit high. 2k for body, 2k for head, 512 for hat, and 512 for hair? seems like you should have just stuck the head on one page and the body on the other. anyhoo. looks really good. just get that extra pass on the textures and it will be sick
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I'd say remove the lightbox stuff. Some might like it, but some might really dislike that so it's safer to go with default image loading stuff imo.
  • duxun
    hey jason i know you will get a job soon man . love your stuff.
  • portergraphic
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    portergraphic polycounter lvl 17
    Hey Jason,
    Great work! For a minute there I thought you were the Jason Hill I worked with at FASA.
    Awesome style and I love the animation.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    I would remove the boyscout and red lobster stuff from your resum
  • truedeja
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    truedeja polycounter lvl 13
    thank you all very much for your input and suggestions. I really do appreciate you taking the time to not only check out my stuff but to pass along some wisdom. I am currently doing the character adjustments. As far as the site, im not sure about lightbox either, its a shadey area but some dislike links loading in a new window so i went with lightbox. I think everyone will have an opinion on this issue and i dont know who to please. I will consider doing a new layout because i have already been thinking about how to add stuff to the site as i work i my off time and this may help that.

    thanks again everyone and i hope i can post the newer versions soon.

    Pior- awesome to see you helping me out, and thank you for your input. I just ran into you a few days ago in at a hotel bar at GDC, small world.

  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Hey man, really impressive work you have there. I particularly like your sculpting, very realistic . Most of the stuff I was initially thinking when I looked at your site has already been mentioned but I think you should make your texture sizes and polygon counts a little more plausible. The Tri count for the cowboy for example is right in there with the highest you see in video games, and his silhouette remains somewhat simplistic. Furthermore, the texture size is probably a bit bigger than what you see in games, I think the biggest texture sizes in games for playable characters is like 2k for the body and 1k for the head (although there may be games that I am unaware of that use 2k head and body). Lastly, I think you should consider working on the pose for the cowboy a bit more. His fingers on his belt look sort of awkward, as does his arm to the side with how stiff it is. I really like that you took the time to render him in unreal engine though.

    Mind you, these are all really small nitpicks. I have to say, its not often you see a recent grad with this caliber of work. Nice job, and start posting more on polycount dammit :)
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    That portrait really does look like you mate!

    Your font is hurting my eyes trying to read. Why is it so small?
  • truedeja
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    truedeja polycounter lvl 13
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