This is the third biped I have made, so it is not brilliant, however I am looking for some feedback if possible. Suggestions for improvements etc, taking into account that it is mirrored at the moment, hence the huge line down the middle, and the identical folds on each side (Which I will tweak once I am happy with the body)
It is currently sitting at 4,104 triangles, and I am aiming for no more than 7,000.
Thanks for any advice,
Will help to point you in a direction with the modeling itself.
Pretty good start thus far.
I think you should bring the shoulders down a little to give more definition in the neck area.
Work a little more on the hands, and bring the whole upper body right above where the belly button rests down just a little bit
Oh and more boobage definition, it looks more like a mans chest from what im seeing....
Keep working on it dude, you plan to texture?
I would say that esspecially in the middle of the chest things look wrong and if you would post a propper wireframe (no render, just a screenshot) people could aid you with taht spot.