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3dCodex.com - Critiques and Ideas

Hello everyone,

I'm Mr. Bluesummers, and I've created a new tutorial aggregation site called 3dCodex.com. It's named this way because I want to pay specific attention to browse-directed users (without neglecting search-directed users, of course).

My goal is to maintain a clean, organized, and useful collection of 3dsMax tutorials- preferably the best on the web. No overlays, no pop-ups, no gimmicks. Just tutorials from a clean database. I'm currently using a tag-based system that allows you to hone in on the kind of links you want. Search functionality is pending.

Some friends of mine (avid polycounters) have spoken highly of this community. They said that if I wanted my "shit ripped apart" this was the place to go.

I'd love to hear critiques and ideas for the site. What do you like? What would you change? What do you want to see integrated?

Thanks kindly,
--Mr. B


  • tadpole3159
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    tadpole3159 polycounter lvl 12
    wow i like this site
    nice searching thingy doodle on the left. although lets say i was looking for a tutorial and in my haste i pressed "more results" how do i go back?
    i would change "more results" to "next page" and add a "previous page" to balance things out.
  • Mr. BlueSummers
    Good point. I'll add that to the bottom shortly. In the meantime, you can always alter the query string (URL) such that the ...&page="n" parameter is subtracted by one. Super user-friendly, right?

    Speaking of updates, allow me to transcribe the list of "cool things I'd like to do to the site but need to prioritize":

    • Entries, Entries, Entries; more tutorials!
    • Add search functionality
    • Add a footer with contact info and a feedback button
    • Add star ratings system (or just thumbs-up/thumbs-down)
    • Add click tracking (i.e. 'number of times viewed' stats)
    • Greedy tag matching
      • So, in a nutshell, right now the site uses strict tag matching. If you ask for a beginner's lighting tutorial, you won't get an intermediate lighting tutorial. Greedy search will return approximate matches after returning exact matches.
    • "Sort By" pulldown in the upper right of the entries panel:
      • By Date
      • By Popularity (see 'click-tracking' feature)
      • By Rating (see 'ratings' feature)
      • By Relevance (see 'greedy search' feature)
    • Extended Entry View
      • I'd like an 'extended view' that lets you see what tags a tutorial has, extra statistics, that kind of thing.
    • Report Link
      • If you think a link is mistagged, mislabeled, or otherwise crap, you can report it and it'll get thrown back into the bin for re-review (and possible re-tagging).
    Do any of these seem like they should be super-high priority?
  • Loren Broach
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    Loren Broach polycounter lvl 10
    Hey hey!

    The site does look slick! Good job.

    I would say make search functionality high on the priority list. If I were to use this site and wanted to look up normal map tutorials I'd have no option to right now.

    I'd love to see this site develop, keep it up!
  • Mr. BlueSummers
    Sounds good; let me start looking for an engine!
  • notebookguy
    Thank you will be using this as lighting set-ups for my models
  • Loren Broach
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    Loren Broach polycounter lvl 10
  • Nate Broach
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    Nate Broach polycounter lvl 18
    Really like the idea of this site man. And its coming along really well.

    One quick thing I'd like to see as far as the "submit" section goes.

    For the thumbnail link. I think it would be better if there was an "upload thumbnail" that auto resizes the image, instead of a link. Because with the link, Everyones going to have to take an image, crop it to 88x88 px. Then upload it onto their server space and then paste that link into the thumbnail space. I dunno, I can't imagine too many people going through the trouble of all that.

    Anyways, again great idea for the site, I really like where its headed, just gotta get enough interest and enough people submitting. Has the potential to be an amazing resource.
  • Mr. BlueSummers
    You're right, and now that I think about it I guess it wouldn't be impossible, but just hard. And you can't not do something just because it's hard.

    The trouble with scaling the image into the 88x88 is if the incomming image isn't 1:1 aspect ratio it'll look revolting. I'll show a preview of the image, and I think letterboxing would be a good option for people who have really off-aspect thumbnails.

    Let me explore the image processing library (and FTP UL/DL facilities) and get back to you on this.
  • Mr. BlueSummers
    The back-end was really sloppy, so I'm doing an overhaul to make sure that search fits in nicely. I expect to have it done by the end of this weekend.

    However, I've decided to take the easiest road possible and just do a dumb search through all available text. I.E. it won't suggest spelling, it won't search the tutorial text, it'll just look for resources with the desired words in the title or description. Sorry to be so primitive!
  • skullsplitter
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    skullsplitter polycounter lvl 18
    Bookmarked, looks clear and noob-proof. Will use it for my personal learning :)
  • Mr. BlueSummers
    Done! The site now has a primitive search function. You can test it by searching for 'v-ray'. I'm still working out a few questions about whether tags should be more or less important than search. Right now it says
    Okay, for each resource that has the search term(s) in it
    >> Give me all of them, in order of how well they fit the filters in the pulldowns.
    Any opinions on how you want this search feature structured? Is this ok?

    P.S. The restructure now makes the site a little faster. It's still the same size (13kb, <1 second to load) but the code-behind is much leaner.
  • Talbot
    I think it is a great start and I will be going there in the future.

    My only suggestion is that when you start building up the number of tutorials you have... it may be helpful to have an option where you can change how many entries are on a single page.

    Keep up the good work.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    Server Error in '/' Application.
    Parameter '@1GROUP' must be defined.
    Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

    Exception Details: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException: Parameter '@1GROUP' must be defined.

    Source Error:

  • ghost-d
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    ghost-d polycounter lvl 18
    I´ve been checking the site yesterday and I have to say that it´s very useful. Thanks for doing it!

    Hope you can solve the renderhjs mentioned (occures here too when I change any searching parameter). Good luck and keep it up.
  • Mr. BlueSummers
    I'm on it! Thanks for the tip!
  • Mr. BlueSummers
    The problem was with some code I had in place to triage whether or not there were tags/search words. Cleared up the typo, and uploaded the fix.
  • Mr. BlueSummers
    Next steps:
    >> As part of my cleanup, I'm making the resource submission form much more user friendly. There will be a preview window that shows you exactly what your entry will look like before it goes into the codex. This will embrace the thumbnail preview, letterboxing, and upload features.
  • frubes
    are you currently filtering the tutorials uploaded by hand? I just noticed a lot of them point to external sites which im guessing you have found and uploaded yourself?

    Nice idea though, i remember when i was at uni things like this where invaluable.
  • Mr. BlueSummers
    Yep. Right now the front end filters out any kind of dangerous input (drop table, that kind of thing), but it can't filter quality. If the link is bogus, or someone tags it wrong, it's hard to tell automatically.

    I'm hoping to have thumbnail resizing done by today. If things go well, I'll also have uploading done. This will provide 2 types of functionality; auto-sizing and hosting. Does this sound like a good direction?
  • Mr. BlueSummers
    Thumbnail resizing, letterboxing, and hosting is complete. These processes were pretty simple in C#, which doesn't come as a surprise.

    Tonight I want to deploy the new submit page, and check the size of some of my images. The site is already pretty lean (a full page of returned resources is 52kb top to bottom), but some of the background images could be even smaller.

    The next thing I'm hearing a lot of is "more tutorials". Does this sound like it's the next big priority? The tool I made to handle insertions (Syringe) has lagged behind in development and will take time to bring up to speed.
  • Mr. BlueSummers
    I've uploaded the new submission page. Please let me know if you have any feedback (or bug reports). It's probably not 100% stable yet, but I think I have most use cases covered.
  • Nate Broach
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    Nate Broach polycounter lvl 18
    So I tried out the submitting process and added two new tutorials.

    Two issues I had.

    One was that after I filled out everything including uploading the thumbnails, I would hit submit, then I enter the security code, it would then tell me I failed to upload a thumbnail. Since I know I did upload it, I just said submit again and entered the security code again and this time it submitted properly. That happened both times I submitted a tutorial.

    The other thing that would be nice. Is after you successfully submit a tutorial you have an "another?" button. And when you click it it lets you start adding another tutorial, but it does not clear your previous data. So i have to manually clear that out before submitting another one.

    Anyways works pretty well besides that! how will I know once you've checked it and added the tutorials submitted to the codex? Maybe allow the submitter to add their e-mail and you could have an e-mail sent out to the submitter once their tutorial has been added?
  • Mr. BlueSummers
    Thanks for testing it, Nate! The first thing is probably a bug in how the uploading handles the image. It's hard to tell between "the last image", "this image", and "no image".

    I got a laugh out of the second issue, because I left the information in there on purpose. I'll make the form clear from now on. :)

    Good idea; I'll include that in there too. It'll be an optional field though; don't want people thinking that they'll get spammed.
  • Mr. BlueSummers
    I've hacked it together so that you should never encounter that thumbnail problem again.

    Then, I ensured that the fields were reset after every submission.

    Finally, you discovered one more bug, but didn't know it. You submitted tutorials without any tags, so I need something to kick back and say "you need at least 1 of each tag type". :D

    Tomorrow night I'll start ramping up Syringe so I can approve and insert the submitted tutorials. This will also help me because now I can just scour the web for tutorials myself and inject the using the same front-end everyone else uses (and then, of course, approve them with all the other submissions later).
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 17
    Don't have any "Texturing" section?

    I mean for beginer, for exemple some tips for creating texture?

    For exemple :


    What do you think about a Photoshop section?
  • Mr. BlueSummers
    Give this one a try: Beginner, Tutorial, UVWs/Texturing
    A Photoshop section would be pretty awesome- maybe as a headline item (i.e. 3dsMax, Maya, XSI, Photoshop...).
  • Mark Dygert
    Would you be the same Mr. BlueSummers that was working on a Ribbon Script for 3dsmax a while back?

    Cool stuff so far, search would be pretty handy =)
  • Mr. BlueSummers
    Yes, it is I. From the very bottom of my heart, I apologize for that project. It was brimming with potential, but with Autodesk threatening to do it, it was a losing proposition. However, I got shafted coming and going since it didn't come out with 2009, and it's not looking like it'll happen in 2010.

    If there was a coder out there willing to take it on, I'd be happy to help and provide all of my notes and source code.

    I'm glad you like the Codex! Let me know if you have any critiques, or ideas for cool improvements. :)
  • Mr. BlueSummers
    I like how I say this, and then a little digging later reveals that they did put it into 2010. I'm still pretty sad that I never did this, but I guess it's for the best. Knowing Autodesk, the integration will be much deeper than it could've been using my hacky DotNet method.
  • Mr. BlueSummers
    Currently working on getting this thing to automatically get longer to support more search results per page (up to 20).
  • Mr. BlueSummers
    Good stuff. The panes can now extend as far down as they need to go. The site will soon be able to handle 5, 10, and 20 entries per page.
  • pangarang
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    pangarang polycounter lvl 11
    Thank you for taking the time to put this together. I managed to find the answer to a question plaguing me for the longest time in less than a minute because of this site. Thanks again.
  • Mr. BlueSummers
    Glad you liked it Pangarang!

    Alright boys, I'm looking at this...and I think I'm going to need to do a core rewrite. The current structure is becoming exhausted. I'll make two more changes, and then push out the whole lot (10/20 view, direct insertion, and the "report this" button).

    After that I'll sit down with pencil and paper and draw out the final system. You know...model-view-controller style. x__x
  • Mr. BlueSummers
    Alright. As soon as I take a backup of the current state, I'm going to push out the new features. Take a look and let me know what bugs you find ("oh yes...there will be bugs").

    While you're looking at that, I'm drawing up how the new system will function.

  • Mr. BlueSummers
    Today's lesson is that Firefox caches the CSS file for every website. So if you make big changes, you'll want to reference a new file. x__x
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    Seems to work great in opera explorer =) great website! job well done.
  • Mr. BlueSummers
    Glad it works across browsers!

    Alright, you guys can keep track of my progress on http://Beta.3dCodex.com , though it's not functional yet. Please let me know if you have any feature requests or ideas about new directions!
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    Codex Tutorialis, nice :D
  • Mr. BlueSummers
    Here's what I'm thinking a "Condensed View" will look like for an entry. This mode will basically let you view like...500 tutorials at once, but not in much detail.

    Any thoughts?

  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    would recommend having it load hte page filtered to the "all" settings it defaults to, instead of having the user click the search button while looking at the blank page.
  • sama.van
    Offline / Send Message
    sama.van polycounter lvl 17
    Give this one a try: Beginner, Tutorial, UVWs/Texturing
    A Photoshop section would be pretty awesome- maybe as a headline item (i.e. 3dsMax, Maya, XSI, Photoshop...).

    Hop I had one!


    ---> PC_Girls_AA

    But I give a link for some exemple, but it seems too long...
    No way to add in you code sommething matching string starting with http:// and replace it per a blolt "link" ... and the url will be hided ^_^
  • Mr. BlueSummers
    Let me reflect that back, Sama. You're saying there's no way of masking a URL in the description in order to shorten it? (like an <a>)

    Good point. I bet you could put in HTML tags into the description and it would take over. I should probably put together some rules about that. ^__^
  • Mr. BlueSummers
    Any thoughts on the beta page or on the condensed view? Not getting as much love on that feature (which is fine) so maybe I'll just skip it for now. What if I just included the "expand" button in the ordinary entry that lets you see more details about the entry? Maybe a place where users can write and read comments about the resource?
  • Mr. BlueSummers
    Tonight's update to the beta.3dCodex.com page was that I moved down the "Save Defaults" button to the controls pane. I also figured out how I'm going to handle saving/retrieving defaults and settings which is nice.
  • Avanthera
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    Avanthera polycounter lvl 10
    looks good... no crits beside what has already been said. I'm just waiting for XSI tuts :)
  • Mr. BlueSummers
    Your thirst for XSI will be slaked with the same elegant UI and fearsome structure as with Max, Maya, and Modo!

    Shrew, if it's not too much trouble, could you restate the changes you'd like to see? I know you're in agreement with the earlier comments, but it'd be nice to get your perspective on those changes as well. :)
  • Mr. BlueSummers
    I'm a little buzzed, so I wont say much. Tonight's update was some UI hookups, and I finished the caching component. The beta page now stores any defaults you want to set (like software or difficulty). It also unlinks any items that are already set.

  • Mr. BlueSummers
    At the risk of reducing ad targeting, I'm moving toward an AJAX model that lets you sort through the list of tutorials live. Does this sound like something that would appeal to you guys?

    I also added a textbox that contains a URL to the slice of the codex you've filtered for. You an bookmark it, or send it along to someone who needs help.

    Take a look at the 3dCodex beta page again, and try clicking through some of the filtering. I still need to put in a "loading" animation, but the latency shouldn't be too bad.
  • Loren Broach
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    Loren Broach polycounter lvl 10
    Neat! I really like the new features you added, they seem like they would make searching quicker and easier.

    So (making sure I understand this) as I select the different filters (software, difficulty, etc.) it should automatically show the results without hitting a "search" button? Right now every time I select a different filter it gives me this auto-message: ENTRIES REDRAWN AT 4:56:07 PM

    Anyways, I like the idea a lot.

    oh and one minor thing I thought might make things easier is to make your filters in Alphabetical order.

    That and you should add mudbox to the software list.
  • Mr. BlueSummers
    Keen wrote: »
    So (making sure I understand this) as I select the different filters (software, difficulty, etc.) it should automatically show the results without hitting a "search" button? Right now every time I select a different filter it gives me this auto-message: ENTRIES REDRAWN AT 4:56:07 PM

    Correct. Sorry about the auto-message. That's a method stub. Instead of actually doing it's job, it instead "says" that it's done what it's supposed to do. In this case, it's saying "Oh yah, I'm supposed to redraw the tutorials right now". Eventually that'll be replaced with actually redrawing the tutorials. :D
    Keen wrote: »
    Oh and one minor thing I thought might make things easier is to make your filters in Alphabetical order.

    That and you should add mudbox to the software list.
    Done and done. That'll show up the next time I push this to the beta page. :)

    In the meantime, any thoughts on this mockup? I fleshed out the new (slightly wider) regular mode, the expanded mode, and the compressed mode.

    In the expanded mode, I'll include the ability to leave comments. Please tell me how you think things work if you're faced with this page? Is it clear what the buttons do? Would you feel comfortable using this interface?

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