
So. some concept art first !

so im designing this for a game i am working on, second image was the first attempt. first image was the second attempt although it is just the torso. the upper right concept torso was picked as the one to work on first.
BIG NOTE : the arms and legs are just placeholders so i can get a feel for how humanoid arms and legs would work. the shoulder guard however is part of the actual armor.

one other note, the human will be inside the torso.. so its basically a mini mech design as opposed to a powersuit design.
i am liking how the armor is turning out, the upper half is fine ill sculpt some real arms for it soon, the problem now though is the legs, im thinking maybe non humanoid legs? like the hind legs of a dog or something, basically some kindof leg that will fill out the shape better from a side view.
Perhaps something like these (minus the Transformer parts)
but with bigger feet.
thanks for the images btw !
placeholder arms are still there.. but i tried (maybe in vain) to flesh out the legs out.
not really sure what to make of it right now.. it kind of looks like a bunny mecha ?
daaaark : vader is awesome !!
Stop taking Leviathans advice, its just not looking better with the direction he has given you. I liked the first concept better.
Im sure if you would have listen to my advice you would have fully enjoyed it better. Just becuase Leviathan has some nice sketch paintings dosnt mean that he gets this "Automatic" inclination to where your artwork stands. Listen to the one who know your concept, rather than wanting to change the whole perspective of it. Open the character with the normal legs. take a look at this concept, all i did was move the arms up, as for them legs, make them thicker at the top adjecent to where you beleive the human legs would comfortable fall into.
Before i worked on this i was looking at powersuits and really thinking about how humans would fit into them. basically what i came up with is that it would be extremely uncomfortable to be in this one since the proportions would have been so off for how much armor it has that the human inside wouldn't fit very well. at best you would be riding the crotch on the inside like it was a motorcycle. and if your arms managed to reach into the powersuit arms they would only fit in part of the way. this is why a lot of Japanese mecha suits have the second set of arms and such so the pilot will actually be able to move the arms around. if your arms are stuck in a cylinder you cant really control it by having it follow your arm movements or its arm movements would be constrained by how much yours can move, which would'nt be a lot. so in the end i just opted to have the person in the middle of the cockpit, sitting like you would sit in a lazy boy, they would have a bmi on that would just read your thoughts, that way you dont have to worry about these annoying mechanical problems. also the "head" is not where the humans head is. its just a central cluster of sensors that pick up visual and other such info the pilot needs to operate the thing.
the arms wont be moving that much, there pretty much just there to house guns. the rabbit leg design atleast in its current form should move pretty well. the other option though is to just seriously fatten up some humanoid legs. those would have to be some tree trunk legs. when i get the time to work on it ill mock up something and see what i can come up with.
and anyways in most games even if you have a human character there arms hardly move at all.. essentially all the arms are there for is to hold the gun, maybe do gun reload animations, throw a grenade.. but for the game im doing it will just be firing the gun and aiming. the thing i need to worry about though is the pitchangle animation .. when the player aims up and down and that's one reason why i prefer the legs to be wide apart so that you can run and aim 180 degrees down at the same time.
hopefully when i get some time i can try to work on two versions of this, one with rabbit legs and one with tree trunk human legs.
mostly im afraid of the texture part of the whole thing though .. but ive got a few ideas for making it look nice with cavity maps and using parts of the normal maps to select areas for dirt maps , not to mention the aomap.
I think it looks kinda cool but I would say, but maybe be careful with the zbrush sculpt approach. You could try to take a few screenshots with a more usual shader applied to it (or export as obj and open in another viewer) to see how this all holds together.
In my experience this kind of sculpt tends to lose it's strength quite a bit once baked (looks soft/blobby in the end)
You could also use this base as a guide to create a very tight meshsmoothed model - this might be closer to what would be required in an actual game production pipeline.
Good luck!
my biggest problem though is just texturing them afterwards.
btw this IS going into a game. however its just some indie game.
first low poly test in blender, just did the torso to see how things look.
its currently sitting a bit high at about 1600 tri , my target for was about 5000 tri .. so that leaves me 3400 to do the arms and leg.. so 800 or so for each limb ? not very much but it might still work.
Sometimes you have a boss character that needs to be impressive, and you get to put a ton of polys on him at the cost of him having no minions around and a simpler battlegound (Berial from Devil May Cry 4's demo is a good example of this). So I would say put your goal under 10000, and make the challenge about staying as far under that as you can without sacrificing outline quality.
Making a low poly isn't as much about staying under a certain amount as much as it is about not having polys for pointless reasons.
You should show your wire frame too so people can tell you where you're using them needlessly.
edit : Wrote 1000, i meant 10,000
i would normally also go with 10k but unfortunately i have to use this sucker in tgea (i hate this engine btw) also the game plans to run 32x32 and maybe higher games soo im thinking 5k should be the max limit for lod0 and then have 3 more lod levels that aggresively go down .. like second level will go by half or maybe 33 percent at the lowest.. but 3 and 4 lod levels will go down quite steeply as at that point the model should be far enough away you can. im thinking 3 should 800-1000 and 4 should be somewhere around 200-300 assuming it will all hold together..
i would post more today but i have a monster hangover from some solid gold party my friends and i got pissed at. but here are the wires for your viewing pleasure.
also need to start thinking how i will texture it, which is easily the part i am the worst at.
also for the curious a wire shot.