not sure exactly what your asking, but I use the ctrl-rmb marking menu religiously, it has all the ring,loop, convert slections tools in it and makes selecting all the hard to get components much much easier, and it support multiple sets of selctions.(i.e. select random edges on different part of the model and ctrl-rmb>edge loop>select edge loop and SHAZAM! it selects all the loops associated with the each of the selected edges.)
autodesk's modeling with math video had something that should werka similar script would do what u want. ( get the edge's face wing angles dependent on nomals towards or away )
sorry don't have the time to write or test as much
hope that helps
sorry don't have the time to write or test as much
seems to werk fine
select objects and run dis here script:
use me
depending on yer model complexity crevice selection can be used fer quickie AO fake
run script to select crevices:
convert dem to vrts and apply a dark vertex color to fake AO:
about 10 seconds on this 4500 tri model ( selection of crevices )...
However very slow to run with hi poly counts! ( 7 minutes on 20,000 tris )
Another kinda nice:
then editMesh> transform component or jes normal tool ( pump up the hills )
For the delay in response to PMs. I have been really busy.
( I am thinking of changing my user name to Dead Link )
try the following link:
( did a successful quick test in Maya 2015 sp3 )
PM me if there r any other needed tools that r now orphaned and I'll post the link asap
( haven't tested other scripts in newer versions of Maya tho )