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Maya 8.5 CGFX problem in view port

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Stinger88 polycounter
Note: I'm not to good with the technical jargon so please bear with me. Hopefully I can get my query across clearly. Thanks in advance for any help

I am having a problem with CGFX shaders in maya 8.5. I am using CGFX shaders created in FX composer and loading them up using ColladaFX.

Problem is that when I do use ColladeFX and apply the CGFX to the model the mesh becomes transparent (invisible, when selected I can still see the mesh though). Also the hypershade nodes become transparent also. So I can view the model as I add the shaders.

I have tried different viewing settings and I get nothing. Switching to High Quality rendering is even worse and the entire view port window becomes blank, including HUD elements which I find bizarre.

The shaders work fine in our Engine once exported from Maya but I'm finding it difficult and slow going to work on a model that I can't view in Maya.

I thought this might be a problem with my OS and rig (vista, nvidia quattro, etc) but the same or similar occurs on other machines here (XP, ATI cards, etc)

Thanks again.


  • IxenonI
    Offline / Send Message
    IxenonI interpolator
    ATI Cards are probably the problem. Had similar issues with Maya 8.5 and Realtime CGFX Shader Display.....

    Try it on a machine with an Nvidia GPU.
  • Stinger88
    Offline / Send Message
    Stinger88 polycounter
    Nah, thats not the problem. I have a nvidia card Geforce Quadro 1700 with the most recent drivers. Although the problem is also occuring on ATI machines as well.

    Where I get a transparent mesh, ATI users get a pure white mesh without textures. Same problem just different display.

    Cheers anyway
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