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Spartan Shield

my.php?image=spartanshieldartbrief.jpgOk I said a while ago I wanted to create a Spartan Shield (finally got my new computer, never use Mesh computers)

Ok here is the project brief I created so I can adhere to. This is mainly a test to create normal maps and import into an engine as I had never created a normal map or exported into an engine before.

I would have put it in the first normal mapped asset thread but it seems to have disappeared.

Anyway here is the brief and the asset.


I tried to use your techinque Mop but I substituted Zbrush and transfer maps with Crazybump is that alright or should I have used those other ways to generate the normal.

I only get to work on this stuff in my spare time so I could really do with some critiques and comments on the work so far please.


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