im very confused as to whats going on here. i run most everything i play on my laptop, its not great for games but i can play most anything. any source game at full quality with in excess of 70 fp, bioshock at medium and many others. but i recently got UT3 and my computer ran the demo just fine on medium quality but, fails to run the game well at the lowest possible quality. i was wondering if anyone had any insight to what might be causing this
my specs are
AMD turion64x2 2.2 duel core
nvidia 7150m 128mb dedicated (almost 2 gigs shared)
4 gigs of ram
80 gig HD
windows vista
now i know my specs are pretty bad but, i thought it was weird that i could run the demo fine but not the game
then here is his tweaks thread you might want to try.
Hope that helps
Did you get the 2.0 patch I believe that most of the issue you are running into are addressed in that patch.
So kind of left it hanging there.
i can play the game now, but nowhere near what i was able to do with the demo.
with the demo i was able to play 800x600 on all medium, but now it struggles at 320x280 with everything at its lowest.
I would look for a laptop forum and ask what to do if you dont find it yourself
oh btw wrong hard drive mine is 250 gig not 80 gig
i have another question though. I have the hard drive from my old laptop if i can find the drivers for the stuff in my comp with xp could i just pop it in and run xp, i would like to compare how well in runs in xp vs. vista.