Nice work. 2/1 may have lost what made the original silhouette forms strong. I imagined his head further down and that huge contraption being his shoulders/arms/swords. Digging the sword though!
really liked #2 on your first sheet. liked how the little white dot between his shoulders looked like his head. not sure about where your taking him.. maybe because i never imagined him as a bot.
So me and my wife finally got a house so were gonna be moving all this week and Ill be without internet for a while so just in case Im gonna show some progress nothing much but its something I guess.
good start! love the big tank and pipes on his back.
design-wise, he's all over the place. try tying things together to form a more cohesive concept..i think the vortex on his chest is the most interesting element. how can you tie things together to feed back into that? also, just my opinion, his weapon looks runic and magical....a little bit out of place.
13/3 is awesome.
design-wise, he's all over the place. try tying things together to form a more cohesive concept..i think the vortex on his chest is the most interesting element. how can you tie things together to feed back into that? also, just my opinion, his weapon looks runic and magical....a little bit out of place.
anyway keep pushing!