I decided to enter Dominance war this year. So i joined the polycount forces (you can thank Rens for that).
My idea is this girl with the power to turn her own paintings to life on the battlefield. i first made this brainstorm/inspiration sketch and tried to put a lot of things in one image to get the ideas flowing (lower left corner) the other 5 are all versions of her with the purpose of trying to find a more stable version i can work with.
enjoy, all C&C are welcome
just blowing off steam so i'm just experimenting away.. i really like changing stuff on the go so it's hard to keep it sketchy, but i guess you guys wont mind.
plz give me some feedback this time.
I like the headdress on 5 but clothing on 2.
Then I saw the second set of concepts and really liked the native American/ voodoo look.
Can't wait to see more.
machuca - i'm trying to let things flow a bit and just experimenting with how much i'm going to cover her up.
binopittan - thankyou and i will
r4ptur3 - yah still not happy with the helmet but i'm shure i'l find something that works
killaball - i'm going to try to combine the look and feel of some of those, and personally i really like the vodoo/asian thing going on.
ok had some trouble posting yesterday cuz my pc crashed -_- but here is the next update, tried some thumbs , some more helmets and some versions of her weapon.
i really appreciate the comments , keep posting them.
In the first post, #1 is my favourite by far. Some cool stuff going on in #5 as well!
The composition thumb is very interesting, but it feels like she gets a little lost in the scale of everything else going on. However you compose the image, make sure she's the most noticable thing!
Great start, good luck in the war!
ok so i was toying with the idea of a pet, but she could never ride anything cuz of her pants/dress. and then i figured her scroll could be a heavy load. so instead of floating it around her (that would be the most obvious ) why not make it a little pet walking/flying with her. Still changing things along the way, but here is an update
lot of stuff i wanted to do with the pet, dragon/polar bear/owl oh well...trying to make up my mind soon,
keep sharing your thoughts
so i decided to rethink my initial idea and try to spice some things up.
i first ofall changed her weapon to a summoning staff. and instead of a scroll i used her body. so now the idea is that she is capable of harvesting fallen enemy's souls in her staff or on her body as a tattoo and summon them a later time under her control.
And i need some kind of name for her, any suggestions?
With that said, visually I much prefer the latest update to the previous one. I think combining the look from your thumbs into the idea for the first character could help it turn out really well