I finally had a chance to sit down tonight and just brainstorm a few dozen ideas and I think I may have finally hit on one that could be visually striking and a lot of fun to refine. It could either be an abomination or a demon lord depending on which direction it goes.
I was thinking I may give it a ram's skull, maybe bits of barding.
I like it better with the ram skull, it definitely gives it more of a Demon Lord feel. I'm debating how much armor to put on and how much I should just leave bones showing. I'm also not completely sure on the weapon.
Id like to see some a bit less randomness in the thumbs. A lot of the design elements dont have a cohesive flow to them
keep at it
I was thinking I may give it a ram's skull, maybe bits of barding.
I like it better with the ram skull, it definitely gives it more of a Demon Lord feel. I'm debating how much armor to put on and how much I should just leave bones showing. I'm also not completely sure on the weapon.