Well, here it goes again. I'm planning on doing a demon prince, Lust is his name. The idea behind this is that the child has been corrupted by lust and evil, thus the name. The women pretty much hold him up and help guide his movements. He leaves a trail of plague behind his path. He also sprouts flowers wherever he stands, which soon after rot and turn into more plague. The same thing happens when he kills his enemies. Beautiful at first, then pure evil...just like real women
Anyway, here are some quick doodles.
So far I like 4, and B. It's all very rough still though.
Also, I'm new here, so nice to meet you all.
In 3 it looks like the witch iz covering both of the innocents eyes which is very creepy ( totally blind reinforces the innocent as being "driven" ( an idiot savant vehicle that floats ))
Cool concepts you have here so far.
I agree with claydough, the pyramid composition is really creepy and awesome .
I like how #1 looks to me the best. I like the feeling of him being more surrounded by the women. Cool idea, can't wait to see where it goes.
and I tried the leg cover on the last one, but I still prefer the original
Keep the advice coming boys.
I really like the third one best, with the legs mostly covered in dark fog. Not such a fan of him floating above the ground. It makes him seem too in control. When his legs look trapped in darkness, then I think it gives a better feeling for him being steeped in darkness.
Nice stuff, keep it up!
i really like the bottom left one of the second batch as well, i like the heart-like shape the women surrounding him are forming.
keep it coming!
( cept lust's gaze at viewer fer creepiness )
A body throng reference: link
and a kinda half-ass 3/4 view.
The back of the design seems to be lacking though
Added some more mass. I'll probably have some other secondary faces distorting in the darkness, like spirits or something.
Heres a toned down version.
Also, should i be worried about excessive nudity with all the tits I'm gonna have?
Out of curiosity, are they all gonna look the same? Or did you just paste the same face for the sake of convenience and they'll all look different?
for some sick reason I want to see the boobs rested on his head for the lol factor but that's probably too inappropriate.
have you tried reversing the cloud of women, so that he floats above them and theyre underneath him, and they trail off like the train of a wedding dress? just an idea.