oh awesome, geladas look really cool (get the lip curl in ) and lorises are similarly awesome.
looking forward to seeing how you pull this off, good to have you on our side
Cool to see you in, I hope you actually find time to do this instead of your usual trend of creating threads for comps and not posting a single wip afterwards.
@Don: Yeah, that's the way it is when you freelance fulltime, looks like you're gonna have some free time for some personal stuff and then boom, contracts galore and no time for sleep. Seeing as how I've got a studio gig now, I've got lots of free time, so no good excuse to bitch out and not post anything. I actually did a shit load of work on that GA comic challenge, just never liked the work enough to post it.
I accept your decree of Shenanigans. Everybody grab a broom!
Apperantly I've found a way to bitch-out: Crunching for E3 is kicking my ass. Haven't had a weekend or weeknight off since just after DW started.
That being said, I've nailed down a concept. At this point, I'm likely just going to start the detailmesh and then continue/finish the project after DW ends. Kind of a bummer, but that's how it is.
looking forward to seeing how you pull this off, good to have you on our side
also tops idea
Buck the trend Kolby.
cant wait
Nice one, you just broke this thread
Apperantly I've found a way to bitch-out: Crunching for E3 is kicking my ass. Haven't had a weekend or weeknight off since just after DW started.
That being said, I've nailed down a concept. At this point, I'm likely just going to start the detailmesh and then continue/finish the project after DW ends. Kind of a bummer, but that's how it is.
the one and only right solution 8-)