So here is my problem.
My problem is the areas circled in red. I just haven't been able to get them to render clearer. I have tried adjusting the cage and raising the quality but nothing has worked. I don't think that raising the ray count more will help. I just think that it will make the blue area better.
I currently am rendering in MR at 32 rays. The samples per pixal are set at 4-16.
Anyone have any ideas?
You could try detaching to element the end caps. So it doesn't average around the lip but creates a floater on your cage that projects straight. But that's more work then just cleaning it up in PH.
The parts you listed seem like areas that are too close to another mesh, and can be fixed using what vig suggested, photoshop or bake seperately. Try them both. Also, sometimes those nasty edges in your AO is just the padding it adds (a setting in the RTT). If it doesn't show up when you use the AO map as a diffuse on your model, then it's just the padding
Still not perfect but it is getting there.