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Crysis tut lvl assignment

hey guys first time posting look this is the start of my level for my assignment using the crysis sandbox engine 2 im just not shore what else to put on the beach ill add more pics as i go along.

any advise will help a great deal.

this level im creating starts off at the beach and ends at the main enemy's base with a couple of check points along the way they will be posted up by weeks end, to see what i can add and to see what else i can do to this level.

ok first image of the start



  • HAL
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    HAL polycounter lvl 13
    From what I can see there, you need to create a clear path for the player, at the moment the terrain is all blurry. Add vegetation, not just a few trees.

    The cryengine offers you the possibilty to create vivid forests with unique vegetations, so I suggest that you make use of that feature.
  • frubes
    currently your rocks stand out from the surrounding sand, i would be inclined to do some sort of vertex blending and paint another texture in around them to seat them on the sand.
  • SnowGhost
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    SnowGhost polycounter lvl 11
    What is the main purpose of this exrcrsize? Environment construction? Level Gameplay? A fully realized level? Regardless of purpose you should always start off with a plan. Just remember that even the most well thought out plans ALWAYS end up changing during the course of production.

    My advice would be to look at reference pics and try to replicate what you see. Also doing some research into geology and how earth formations are made can help out a lot in creating realistic terrain. Beyond that its just a matter of learning the sandbox tools so you know what you are capable of.

    Google Images is a excellent quick source for reference images.
  • Ajax
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    Ajax polycounter lvl 19
  • Rotsix21
    iv made it more darker around the rocks and added cliffs i just need more vegetation
  • Rotsix21
    this is the latest with the level the beach is looking much better then the first time but if there is any more advice i can get please feel free to say it.


  • SnowGhost
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    SnowGhost polycounter lvl 11
    Looks a lot better :)

    Main thing I would point out is that your beach looks unnatural. Beaches tend to slope from the mainland a bit then even out to the water beginning at the point where the tide is high (because the tides wear away the sand.) This also goes for underwater. The terrain just below the water line should be less steep and go out atleast a few meters before a steep dropoff. This terrain should also have a different texture from your dry beach sand (ie. wet sand.)

    Your rock placement on the beach looks unatural as well. How did they get there? Unless there was a very stong tide of water/flood such large rocks wouldn't end up in the beach like that in most cases. Unless they where eroded from the bed rock or toppled from your cliffs.

    Overall I think it would look more natural if you moved your single rocks to lie at the base of your cliffs. It also wouldn't hurt to thow in some decals to break the ground up a bit.

    To fix the problem with your grass turning into a line at far distances select your grass vegitation layer and de-select "Use Sprites"
  • Rotsix21
    ok thanks for the advice ill look it over on the weekend and try to fix some things up like the rocks to make it more natural. ill post up a part of my level that i think doesn't need changing, but i still want to see what you or anyone else thinks and this beach is made to be in between a cliff face ill fix them up as well more pics will be up soon...........................
  • A.Kincade
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    A.Kincade polycounter lvl 9
    Looking better so far. Since this is a beach area there may be a dock or two. Maybe boats or jet ski's. Or maybe even some small huts or buildings on the beach. Trees do not always have to be straight up either. There can be broken or blown over trees. Cliff area looks good but maybe add some vines or something.

    I know that engine has a lot of meshes to offer so explore and use what you see fit.

    Overall good start though. Keep up the good work.

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