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DWIV - 3D - Kamui

polycounter lvl 10
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Kamui polycounter lvl 10
Latest update: 09/04/07 - Refining armor details




  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    No try at a 2D entry? Your 2D looks pretty nice
  • Kamui
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    Kamui polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks Ninjas, but I need a really solid 3D character for my portfolio. Besides, I will get mopped up in the 2D comp! :poly122:

    Anyhoos, my main idea is a clericon class guy, who's artifact is a massive magical shield. He would be the defender and shield his party from damage. I'm not sure whether or not to go with the cross, except it silhouettes well. I don't want any religious overtones with the character, since I am not religious at all. What do you think? is it too generic? has it been done before? is the idea no good? I'd like to hear your opinions before I go too far. The reason I am attached to this character idea is because it's thinking a bit outside the box. There are going to be tons of magical weapons of destruction but I thought it would be cool to have one of defense.


    Next are just a couple of alchemy sketches of some other generic characters. Not sure if i want to develop any of these further.

  • TheSplash
    I think the cross does read really well, I wouldn't worry to much about religious connections, it's your character do what you want.
    No1 of your second sheet is pretty cool, I think it would look rather interesting if modeled in 3d, I guess that's something you always have to think about.
    Keep it up!
  • Kamui
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    Kamui polycounter lvl 10
    Here's an update. I went in a different direction with my initial concept. He's a druidic cleric who's powerful artifact is an ancient sentient tree that he shares a symbiotic relationship with. The tree's main source of power is the shield that is on his left hand. However, the roots of the tree also crawl all over his upper body and completely reinforces his right hand to use as a club (in case he needs to defend himself)

    I spent some time working on this sketch and slapped some quick colors on it. I still need some cool ideas for his lower body and boots, so I'm open to suggestions.

    I'm interested in hearing your crits and comments!

  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Right now, I think I'm a bigger fan of the initial concepts. I like the idea going on with tree-guy, but visually I find the first one more interesting at this point. Also, I didn't feel the religious tones in the first one, but this second guy's shield has that feeling a little more...

    You could possibly try combining the two ideas into something new. :)
    Good luck with it!
  • Kamui
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    Kamui polycounter lvl 10
    Mezz wrote: »
    Right now, I think I'm a bigger fan of the initial concepts. I like the idea going on with tree-guy, but visually I find the first one more interesting at this point. Also, I didn't feel the religious tones in the first one, but this second guy's shield has that feeling a little more...

    You could possibly try combining the two ideas into something new. :)
    Good luck with it!

    Just did some research and inspiration searching and looked through the top 50 from last year as well as some from DWII. I need to go back to the drawing board! Gonna try to come up with something new soon!
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Like the initial sketches much better too. Especially #4 on the last sheet has a lot of potential. Has a sort of ephemeral feel to it that I like.
  • Kamui
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    Kamui polycounter lvl 10
    Alrighty, back with a new batch of thumbs. Leaning towards doing some sort of demon prince. I think it's something that is still within my comfort zone and something that I can see to the end. Any suggestions welcomed!

  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    1, 8 and 9 stand out to me-- looking good!
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    nice thumbs :)
    i like 6 and 10 the most
  • Kamui
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    Kamui polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks Ninjas, Ravenslayer.

    I did a proper silhouette of #10. I think this is the direction that I'm going to go with. He's a demon prince with a big set of arms on his back instead of wings. I'm imagining him to be very good looking and arrogant, since his rear arms do all the work. Hopefully I can sculpt some a$$hole into his face. The idea is not new I know, but I want to explore it.

    Now I need some help. I'm not sure whether or not to include this snake thingy on his back as well. It can work in a few ways. The arms AND the snake thing can actually be some sort of living armor that he uses his innate power of fire/ice/darkness (havent decided) to control, OR it can be a growth on his back that's a part of him. The snake thingy wont have any eyes but just a bunch of teeth. OR the second option is to not have the snake at all and just have the hands. Personally I think both could work. The snake adds an interesting element but clutters up the silhouette a bit.

    His weapon will be a very large spear that the big hands use. I have an interesting idea for the spear. I'm not sure which direction to go for the armor design etc just yet.

  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    I dont like the idea of having the snake fused with him at all, but I think it works if the whole snake was made of whatever element he is (so if hes fire, then the snake is made of fire). Kind of like a elemental spirit avatar thing.

    It could also work if it wasnt a elemental spirit but just a real spirit like some ghost :p I guess that will fit more if hes darkness.

    But I also like the one without the snake... so you could make it so he controls the spirit to attack stuff, that way the snake wont always be in that position and you can have a regular pic of him without the snake there
  • kendo
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    kendo polycounter lvl 18
    I like 8 with the head of 2 although instead of the long spear might you consider perhaps a huge cannon
  • Kamui
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    Kamui polycounter lvl 10
    Hmm, not much action in my thread :( Just gotta keep plugging away I guess. Here's where I'm at so far. Going with a bones, teeth and horns motif for the armor, unless I come up with something better. :p

  • r4ptur3
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    r4ptur3 polycounter lvl 10
    looks pretty cool, but the head seems kind of generic at the moment? I was diggin' some of the head elements you had in your silhouettes like in 10 11 and 7. Maybe toss some of that in there as well?
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, I would take another stab at refining the thumb-- I feel like you are toning down or getting rid most of the shapes that made it interesting
  • Kamui
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    Kamui polycounter lvl 10
    Another update. Wanted to bring back some of the head features as suggested and came up with this. Was just painting away loosely and kinda came up with this 2 face idea.. i kinda like it. Also made the arms much bigger.

    At this point I'm unsure whether the arms and large back parts are going to be physical or spiritual. Element is probably going to be darkness.

  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    his head looks HUGE :s

    A smaller head would give him a larger sense of scale.

    But even if you shrunk the head I still dont like his face much, looks boring/plain to me. And the new head also resembles a minotaur, with its mouth replaced by a humanoid face.

    Overall the way you painted the body doesn't match the way I perceived the silhouette. From the silhouette I was thinking sleek streamlined design with long sharp lines defining muscle structures or possibly armor. Like some speedy, agile demon.
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    I think your new one is getting closer. I am not sure if this stretches the rules or not, but here is a paintover of the original thumb--
  • Kamui
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    Kamui polycounter lvl 10
    Nice paintover Ninjas! I like some of the elements in the arms but you went with a very insect like approach. I don't think i'm going to go that way. I'm leaning towards a more regal approach with bits of ornate armor and bits of cloth for his outfit. The arms are still up in the air. I also really want the gazelle horns.. I like the sense of grace that they give.

    Yozora: thanks for your comments. I'm still not sure which direction I want to take this character. I WAS going to do a more agile looking character but people were saying he was missing parts of the head sihouette so i was exploring ideas. I'm not a big fan of the face right now either but things are still up in the air i guess.

    I guess time for another go at it.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Not a big fan of your latest update, but I liked where it was headed before that.

    I think the snake over the head could work, as long as you're careful with the proportions and silhouette of it. I'd say try coiling the snake around his upper body, having a very slim body, and then reaching well up over his head. The snake's head could be very cobra like and really expand at the top, making the silhouette stick out but not clutter the demon's body.
    Know what I mean? :P
  • Kamui
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    Kamui polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks to everyone who threw in their 2 cents. I've decided on my direction now. Armor bits are going to change for sure, especially the large arms. He's feeling how I want him to though. I need to start modeling asap as I will miss 2 weeks of the competition cuz i'm going to japan on vacation! The succubus halberd is my excuse to sculpt some hot girls :) Plus i think it's kind of a neat idea!

  • jerry
    he really has the demon prince thing going for him. I'd make him a bit taller to really push the regal look. I like eyes and the teeth in the armor too but i'm not so hot for the halbert. Keep it up.
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    Each step looks more refined. Nice work. I am digging the girl on the spear. Cool detail
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    nice progress on the demonprince, like jerry said make the legs taller and maybe do something more with the feet

    i think the halbert is a great idea :D love wicked stuff like that
    maybe add spikes going to the sides on top so you can crucify the women with her arms open and still have the top spike to stab with or maybe you can make some kind of holder for her so she's more integrated into it (like she was chosen to be the prince's pet of the month), also try to do something more with the bottom

    great stuff so keep it up ^^
  • Kamui
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    Kamui polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks Raven. I agree with you and jerry. He's going to be a lot taller. I've already tweaked the proportions a bit, and kinda redesigning the blades of the spear.

    I want the girls arms to be up so the point of the spear is actually very long fingernails. I also picture the same girl on the other side, so it's kinda 2 sided with them back to back. I am going to redesign the blades though, and overall make the spear head smaller.

    Edit, adding latest sketch for pose, etc.


  • ChaosEidolon
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    ChaosEidolon polycounter lvl 17
    Hey hey, cool Kamui! Im liking the newer direction your headed in, much more distinct. The rhythm of the horns in the symmetrical one above works well for me...id incorporate that into your latest one in addition to the backwards facing horns to give him an interesting silloutte from all angles.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Nice! He's looking pretty badass now :D
  • Kamui
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    Kamui polycounter lvl 10
    Hey hey, cool Kamui! Im liking the newer direction your headed in, much more distinct. The rhythm of the horns in the symmetrical one above works well for me...id incorporate that into your latest one in addition to the backwards facing horns to give him an interesting silloutte from all angles.

    Not sure what you mean by the horns, but they're supposed to be symmetrical. I think it's just my bad perspective! lol. My inspiration comes from a gazelle or impala's horns.
  • ChaosEidolon
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    ChaosEidolon polycounter lvl 17
    no, i mean the horns in this one: http://aubreyserr.com/images/DW4/Help/Kamui_DemonThumb.jpg

    the ones in the most recent one look good ( and symmetrical, don't worry haha), but i would add the curled horns to the sides so that his front silhouette has the same impact as the previous one.

    ps...way ta sneak some boobies in. yeah thats right... i saw that!
  • Kamui
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    Kamui polycounter lvl 10
    Ah I hear you now. That was Ninja's paintover. Thanks for the suggestion but I'm happy with the way he is now. I don't want to bulk him up and take away his sleekness. I'm not really going for an intimidating look... going for something more graceful and maybe a bit pompous.

    And yes, gotta sneak in some boobies somehow :D
  • TBone
    nice. boobies. subscribed :D I like your concept with he defined shapes that it has. looking forward to the 3D!
  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid polycounter lvl 10
    Looking pretty darn sweet my man.

    I want to se something a bit more unique about the head. Also i dont like the masses of the big arms on the back, they dont flow too well, the idea is badass, but it needs a little more flow.
  • bounchfx
    I really like where this is headed. it has so much potential!
  • coldkodiak
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    coldkodiak polycounter lvl 17
    Really cool dude. You should explore how those giant arms work into the back, be cool if they anatomically worked.

    so, yeah. Needs boobies. too
  • Kamui
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    Kamui polycounter lvl 10
    small update from me. Cranked out a basemesh last nite and started sculpting the head. Still very loose right now as i'm figuring out the proportions I want and the features. I'm imagining angled features and sleek lines. Not totally happy with what's going on with his forehead right now but just exploring as I sculpt. Man sculpting is fun!

  • fightpunch
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    fightpunch polycounter lvl 10
    Looking cool Kam, eyes seem a tad large :)
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    Nose/mouth/jaw bone is pretty cool. Nice hard edge sculpt :)
  • Kamui
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    Kamui polycounter lvl 10
    fightpunch: thanks for the headsup. fixed the eyes and looking much better!

    Spent a couple of hours roughing out the body and proportions. No armor just yet. I've decided to do all the armor as subtools. Some of the anatomy is made up, since I am not that practiced in muscles, and i didn't use reference doh. I just had some fun with it since he is a demon and it doesn't have to be 100% accurate. A lot of it will be covered up anyways and there's a lot more refinement to come.

  • wretchedgoat
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    wretchedgoat polycounter lvl 8
    nice sculpt kamui. i'm the same way. zbrush is a great way to figure things out, it's almost like a 3d photoshop in a way :)

    cant wait to see u get those big arms on him!
  • Helixx
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    Helixx polygon
    Glad to see progress with this Kamui. Hard to comment on the proportions and stuff because like you said, armor is to come and that will definitely change the silhouette of the sculpt. Personally I'd add the rest of the stuff as subtools soon as you can so you can keep the final image silhouette in mind, even if it's just basemesh stuff it's easy to turn it on and off. I find it easier to work when I can step back and have all the pieces there to look at, even when I'm only doing the basic body stuff. Looks good so far though and the only thing I'd have to say is make sure you keep an eye on the shoulder width and the thighs. Those to me were some of the key shapes on the character and you don't want to lose em. Keep at it :)
  • Kamui
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    Kamui polycounter lvl 10
    Hey all, i'm still alive. Been adding bits and pieces and roughly blocking out the designs on the armor. Still undecided how to treat the large arms. I'm thinking of not doing any armor and making some interesting scaly or insect like features instead. Still lots to do!

  • woods
    Nice, I like how the armor is kind of biting his torso.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Nice, model is looking good so far, nice details :D

    Just one thing bothering me--not sure what's going on with his thighs, but I'm not liking how they're looking right now. If they're just very WIP and not where they're gonna be, than disregard, but otherwise I'd decide what's going on in that area...
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    yeah I agree with mezz, good models but what is going on with those thighs - are those folds in cloth? there isnt any weight or shape to the material folds if it is cloth, it kinda looks like dough has been wrapped around his upper legs
  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid polycounter lvl 10
    id say don't have the armour details all at the same scale, it has way too much visual noise to look good imo.

    Think of doing details as in how you would do lineweights for a drawing, large details are your major forms and first read, medium details shouldn't be as deep and should be your second read. ect.

    Coming along nicely though.
  • Kamui
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    Kamui polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks guys.

    Mezz, Ged: yeah those are pants he's wearing. I just blocked it in for now but I will make sure to do the folds up nicely! Most of it will be covered though.

    Muzz: thanks for the tip! I will definitely take that into consideration when I clean up my sculpt! I do see what you mean though.
  • DeathByChris
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    DeathByChris polycounter lvl 17
    I really like the flow of the armour I hope you plan on putting more subtle details in it.
  • meshiah
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    meshiah polycounter lvl 17
    your latest concept is good, jusk make sure to make the shoulders of the rear set of arms work well, if its a should joint it needs to look somewhat like one to be beilievable. other than that, try and crispen the edges of teh armor here and there to separate from teh skin.
    good work, keep movin
  • Kamui
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    Kamui polycounter lvl 10
    Update: first pass sculpt of the rest of the armor. I'm a bit unsure about the bracers and some of the skirt. Still have to decide what to do with the lower legs. Also haven't locked down what I want the large arms to look like. Any comments or suggestions welcome!

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